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Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Skill matrix/Archive

From mediawiki.org


Ahmon Antoine Brennen Dan Jeena Lars Mukunda Other maintainers (names)
Developer Tools
MWVagrant 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 0.75/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.75/5 stars
Gerrit maintenance 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 2.5/5 stars
Phab maintenance 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 5/5 stars Daniel Zahn
Continuous Integration
Jenkins maintenance 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.5/5 stars
Zuul maintenance 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars
CI config / JJB 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.75/5 stars James Forrester
docker-pkg 3/5 stars 4/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars James Forrester
Docker images 5/5 stars 3/5 stars 4/5 stars 2/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars James Forrester
Quibble 5/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
Tooling & Maintenance
Unit test
tooling and debugging
2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars
Integration test
tooling and debugging
2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars
Acceptance test
tooling and debugging

(e.g. Selenium-Node.js)

2/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars Željko Filipin
Software Configuration Management
(regular maintenance of MW extensions)
3/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars James Forrester
Training and Education
Testing strategy 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars
Unit testing and refactoring 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars
Integration & Acceptance Testing 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars
Design for testability 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 1/5 stars
Test Environments Beta Cluster 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0.75/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.2/5 stars
Integration cluster
(where/how MW+extensions run in CI)
5/5 stars 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.75/5 stars James Forrester
Deploying software New MW branches / The Train 4/5 stars 3/5 stars 5/5 stars 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 5/5 stars James Forrester
Backports / SWATs 4/5 stars 2.5/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.5/5 stars James Forrester
Developing scap 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 4.5/5 stars
Production log error reporting 3/5 stars 4/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars 4.7/5 stars
MediaWiki deployment
troubleshooting / debugging
4/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.2/5 stars James Forrester
Deployment Pipeline Kubernetes 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 2/5 stars 1.6/5 stars
Blubber 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars
pipelinelib 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars
local-charts 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.75/5 stars
dev-images 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 4/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
MediaWiki Releases Release mechanics/tooling 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 2.5/5 stars James Forrester
Doing major releases 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.5/5 stars James Forrester
Doing point releases 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars James Forrester
Security releases 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars James Forrester
Other PGP & pwstore 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 4/5 stars 2.5/5 stars



On a scale of 0-5 where 0 means "no idea" and 5 means "expert", rate your knowledge of the below skills.

Antoine Brennen Dan Jeena Lars Mukunda James Other maintainers (names)
Developer Tools
MWVagrant 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.75/5 stars 2/5 stars
Gerrit maintenance 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 2.5/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
Phab maintenance 1/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 5/5 stars 0.5/5 stars Daniel Zahn
Continuous Integration
Jenkins maintenance 5/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.5/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
Zuul maintenance 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars
CI config / JJB 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.75/5 stars 4/5 stars
docker-pkg 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars
Docker images 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 4/5 stars 2/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars
Quibble 5/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.5/5 stars 2/5 stars
Tooling & Maintenance
Unit test
tooling and debugging
2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars
Integration test
tooling and debugging
2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars
Acceptance test
tooling and debugging

(e.g. Selenium-Node.js)

2/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars Željko Filipin
Software Configuration Management
(regular maintenance of MW extensions)
3/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 5/5 stars
Training and Education
Testing strategy 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars
Unit testing and refactoring 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars
Integration & Acceptance Testing 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 2/5 stars
Design for testability 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 1/5 stars 2/5 stars
Test Environments Beta Cluster 2/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.2/5 stars 2/5 stars
Integration cluster
(where/how MW+extensions run in CI)
5/5 stars 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 0.75/5 stars 4/5 stars
Deploying software New MW branches / The Train 4/5 stars 3/5 stars 5/5 stars 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 5/5 stars 3/5 stars
Backports / SWATs 4/5 stars 2/5 stars 2/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.5/5 stars 5/5 stars
Developing scap 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 2/5 stars 4.5/5 stars 1/5 stars
Production log error reporting 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 4/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars 4.7/5 stars 2/5 stars
MediaWiki deployment
troubleshooting / debugging
4/5 stars 1/5 stars 3/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 3.2/5 stars 4/5 stars
Deployment Pipeline Kubernetes 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 3/5 stars 2/5 stars 1.6/5 stars 1/5 stars
Blubber 1/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 2/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
pipelinelib 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 1/5 stars 0/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
local-charts 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 2/5 stars 5/5 stars 1/5 stars 1.75/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
dev-images 0/5 stars 5/5 stars 4/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 0.5/5 stars 0.5/5 stars
MediaWiki Releases Release mechanics/tooling 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 4/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars 2.5/5 stars 4/5 stars
Doing major releases 0/5 stars 0/5 stars 3/5 stars 0/5 stars 1/5 stars