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Design/Archive/Wikimedia Foundation Design/Agora Control Library

From mediawiki.org

The Agora Control Library is a series of styles and behaviors for common controls that are reused across projects within MediaWiki.

Current state


There is a mediawiki.ui library (documentation) in core, written in Less. You can see it working in the MediaWiki desktop living style guide.

Each team who will be using controls from the Agora Library is writing their controls in LESS within their own project; some of these are entirely new controls, and some override or enhance the mediawiki.ui ones. The next step is to move these new or modified controls into core so they are available to all developers. For example, the Flow discussion software implemented revised button design, and Gerrit change 103494 updates core to these designs.

The initial look and feel of Agora Controls was outlined in Agora_specs.pdf in August 2013; however, this is an iterative process and controls will change during implementation.

Existing & planned controls




Buttons come in 4 basic types, Neutral, Progressive, Destructive, and Constructive

Quiet action


Button without a border and background. Same 4 types Neutral null state and Progressive/Destructive/Constructive

See and use the buttons in the living style guide with commentary.

Progress bar buttons


Segmented control




Toolbar button

Toolbar button icon only

e.g. VE tool buttons; also a Flow board's Full-Collapsed-Small view icon trio?

Toolbar button with icon and label

e.g. VE page settings

Sub-toolbar "drawer"

e.g. VE toolbar for advanced text styling

Toolbar flyout


e.g. VE toolbar junk drawer (more v)

Input fields


Text input fields come in many styles, with special behaviors, such as search, validation, and content obscuring in the case of passwords.

Single-line input


Multi-line input


Search input


Validated input


Password input


Special cases


ULS language selector control

Date picker control



e.g. Flow "action menu" in topic bar.

e.g. Flow post moderation actions (Hide/Suppress/Delete)


Dual action or collapsible (top, left, bottom, right anchoring)


Anchored to element and triggered by focus state (top, left, bottom, right anchoring)

Flyout menu
Flow topic actions

vertical list of actions in a stacked menu]





Radio button


Combo box






Requested by Fundraising tech


Check box


Number stepper








Action rail








Connection issues


Progress indicators


Full page






Requested controls


Button with image


Requestor: Growth Team (WMF)

Use: Getting started (also [☺ Thank] button in Flow, Reply button in Flow with icon)

bug 55535

Status : Not designed

Button with status indicator


Requestor: Core Features (WMF)

Use: Flow/submit

Bug :

Status : Not designed

Multi-line text button


Requestor: Growth Team (WMF)

Use: Getting started

bug 55535

Status : Not designed

Flyout menus


Extended actions


Requestor: Core Features (WMF)

Use: Flow Action menu

bug 55535

Status : Designed

Horizontal action menu


Requestor: Core Features (WMF)

Use: Flow Flag actions

bug 55535

Status : Designed

Rich controls


Language selector


Requestor: Language Engineering (WMF)

Use: ULS

Bug :

Status : Not designed

Date picker


Requestor: Wikidata

Use: Data Input

Bug :

Status : Not designed

See also
