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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page WikiLove and the translation is 18% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
An impression of the abstract concept of WikiLove
An impression of the abstract concept of WikiLove

Met waardering maak ons uitnemendheid in ander ons eie eiendom. - Voltaire

WikiLiefde is 'n funksie wat ontwerp is om dit maklik en genotvol te maak om waardering vir ander gebruikers uit te spreek. WikiLiefde kan op enige gebruiker bladsy aangevra word deur op die "Hart" ikoon te klik. Dit is oorspronklik ontwikkel deur Ryan Kaldari as 'n gebruikers skrif, en is nou beskikbaar vir ontwikkelaars om by hul wiki kan voeg. WikiLove can be invoked from any user page by clicking the "Heart" icon. It was originally developed by Ryan Kaldari as a user script, and is now available as a MediaWiki extension that developers can add to their wikis.


Gebruikers hou daarvan om gewaardeer te word. Volgens die 2011-opname van Wikipedia-redakteurs (sien top-line data), van 17 veranderlikes, "Om neergekyk te word by Redakteurs met meer ervaring is die waarskynlikste rede mense gee waarom hulle minder sal korrigeer (69% -ooreenkoms), terwyl "ander as kompliment vir jou wysigings / artikels" Redigeer gereeld (78% ooreenkoms). Sien ook: Positiewe terugvoer werk vir redigering, sê Wikipedia redakteurs " op die Wikimedia blog. See also: "Positive feedback works for editing, say Wikipedia editors" on the Wikimedia blog.

Aan die ander kant, is die redigering van Wikipedia geneig om oor n tydperk harder te word, en die waarskynlikheid dat nuwe gebruikers regstelling of kritiek sal ontvang, het toegeneem. Dit word weerspieël deur verskeie pogings om die ondervinding van nuwe gebruikers te kodeer en te ontleed, soos die onlangse Nuwe onderrigstrategie-navorsingssprint wat binne die bestek is van ons Somer Navorsing. This is reflected by various efforts to code and analyse the experience of new users, such as the recent Newbie teaching strategy research sprint undertaken within the scope of our Summer of Research.

Relatiewe proporsie van verskillende tipes boodskappe wat aan nuwe gebruikers gestuur word Wikipedia, soos gekodeer in die meta: Navorsing: Wikimedia Somer Navorsing 2011 / Beginnersonderrigstrategie tendense

Belangrike Datums

  • June 16, 2011: WikiLove activated on prototype.wikimedia.org
  • June 24, 2011: WikiLove on-by-default for registered users on prototype.wikimedia.org; blog announcement calling for testers
  • June 30, 2011: WikiLove deployed to the English Wikipedia. See WikiLove actions.

hoe om te deaktiveer

Om WikiLiefde uit te deaktiveer, gaan na die redigering oortjie in jou voorkeure en ontmerk die boks langs "Aktiveer waardering vir ander gebruikers met die WikiLove-oortjie" onder Gebruiker bladsye. Klik dan op Stoor.

Turn WikiLove on or off using the checkbox in your preferences.

Hoe om te personaliseer

Die WikiLiefde koppelvlak kan aangepas word om aan die behoeftes van elke individuele redakteur te voldoen. As jy WikiLiefde wil gebruik vir welkom boodskappe, verjaardagkoeke of iets anders te laat, is dit maklik om die verstek konfigurasie met jou eie instellings te kontroleer. If you want to use WikiLove for leaving welcome messages, birthday cakes, or hedgehogs, it's easy to override the default configuration with your own settings.

Die WikiLiefde config is een groot JSON voorwerp, dus om 'n verandering of byvoeging te maak, moet jy die waardes wat aan die sleutels toegewys is, verander. Om te sien watter waardes tans toegeken word, kyk eers na die MediaWiki: WikiLove.js-bladsy op u plaaslike wiki. Dit sal enige plaaslike oortredings hê. Kyk nou na die [$svn-wlove-standaardkonfigurasie]. Dit sal jou die basiese boom van data wys wat die instellings vir WikiLiefde maak. Sodra jy besluit het wat jy wil verander, gaan na jou vel. (As jy byvoorbeeld op die Engelse Wikipedia is, sal jy hierdie bladsy verander.) Om 'n bestaande item te verander, moet jy die waarde daarvan net met 'n opdrag stelling oorskakel. To see what values are currently assigned, first check the MediaWiki:WikiLove.js page on your local wiki. This will have any local overrides. Next, take a look at the default configuration. This will show you the basic tree of data that makes up the settings for WikiLove. Once you have decided what values you want to change, go to your skin.js file on the wiki you are using. (If you are on the English Wikipedia, for example, you would edit this page.) To change an existing item, simply override its value with an assignment statement.

Verander 'n bestaande tipe

As jy byvoorbeeld die vertoning naam 'Katjies' na 'Katte' wil verander, wil jy die volgende by jou plaaslike .js -lêer (User:Example/skin.js) voeg:

mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiLove.defaultOptions', function() {
  $.wikiLoveOptions.types.kitten.name = 'Cats';
} );

As jy die prentjie vir ' Stroopwafels ' wil verander, sal u byvoeg:

mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiLove.defaultOptions', function() {
  $.wikiLoveOptions.types.food.subtypes.stroopwafels.image = 'Stroopwafels.jpg';
} );

Voeg 'n nuwe tipe toe

You can also add an entirely new item type (or subtype) using the JSON tree structure. For example to add "Hedgehogs":

mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiLove.defaultOptions', function() {
$.wikiLoveOptions.types.hedgehog = {
  name: 'Hedgehogs', // name of the type (appears in the types menu)
  fields: [ 'header', 'message' ], // fields to ask for in form
  header: 'A hedgehog for you!', // header that appears at the top of the talk page post (optional)
  text: '[[$3|left|150px]]\n$1\n\n~~'+'~~\n<br style="clear: both"/>', // $3 is the image filename, $1 is the message
  gallery: {
    imageList: [ 'Hedgehog1.jpg', 'Orizo5.jpg', 'Erinaceus europaeus LC0119.jpg' ],
    width: 145, // maximum width of the images in the gallery
    height: 150, // maximum height of the images in the gallery
    number: 3 // number of random images to show (optional)
  icon: 'http://www.mysite.com/images/wikilove-icon-hedgehog.png' // appears in the types menu
} );

Make sure you declare all of the appropriate parameters when adding new items! To learn about all the different type parameters, refer to the extension documentation.

Create a new type icon

The Photoshop source file for the WikiLove type icons (the black and white icons that appear in the left-hand menu) can be downloaded. To create your own, paste in a graphic that is approximately 50 × 50 pixels, desaturate it, and copy and paste the styles that are applied to the examples in the source file.

Verander die hart Ikoon You can also customise the WikiLove heart icon used in the Vector skin by editing your vector.css file (User:Example/vector.css). If you want to change the red heart icon to a blue heart, for example, you would add the following:

#ca-wikilove.icon a {
  background-image: url("/w/extensions/WikiLove/resources/images/heart-icons-blue.png");

Requests for additional deployment

Individual wikis may request that WikiLove be deployed to them provided the following criteria are met:

  • Community consensus for the deployment has been reached
  • The WikiLove extension has been localised to that wiki's language on TranslateWiki (you can help localise it)
  • A configuration file exists on the local wiki (MediaWiki:WikiLove.js)

Once these criteria are met, open a bug in Phabricator requesting the deployment.

WikiLove activity in real-time

WikiLove collects data in its own tables, but this data isn't surfaced through the UI yet. To quickly see what's going on, you can use edit filter 423 on the English Wikipedia.

We're collecting stories of WikiLove usage here to better understand its evolving impact: WikiLove/Stories

Some preliminary analysis: WikiLove/Analysis

Additional documents

  • Extension documentation:

Uitbreiding: Wikiliefde