User:Sucheta Ghoshal/Work Update - Language Engineering


I shall be using this page to update about my work for the Language Engineering. The target is to cover the following areas in the month of July.

  • Visuallization and Language Coverage Matrix
  • jQuery Milshake Libraries

Target - Visualizations and Language Coverage Matrix[edit]

Evaluate visualization libraries for the web to be used for processing and displaying data from the language coverage matrix

  • To identify the selection criteria and select top 3 visualization libraries (JS/HTML5/CSS/server side appls)
  • Build prototypes to demonstrate capabilities of each library
  • Integrate initial snapshot of data for LCM into version 1 of visualizations
  • Requirements: To determine - what types of visualization, graphs do we need for LCM and what are the features that could be used for visualizing complex event data for Language tools like ULS.
  • Language Coverage Matrix - To go through technical specification and UI design mockups.

Target - jQuery Milkshake libraries[edit]

  • To learn about jQuery.i18n, jQuery.ime, jQuery.webfonts, jQuery.uls
  • To review the code
  • To get involved with Bug Triaging
  • To get some bug assigned and fix them

Update - Visualizations and Language Coverage Matrix[edit]

Update - jQuery Milkshake libraries[edit]