

Special:WatchGroup and Special:EditWatchGroup[edit]

These page will contain.

  • Links to Edit Groups
  • View Groups

View groups(SpecialWatchGroup)[edit]

  1. View groups(option = all , non-bot created group etc)
  2. View groups which have their pages edited in recent "T" time(T = varies for 1hr to 30day), pages filtered based on namespace.

Under each group there will be expandable/collapsible structure displaying the (some/all)pages.

Edit group in raw method(SpecialEditWatchGroup)[edit]

Add or remove the group names in raw method.

Edit the group in normal method(SpecialEditWatchGroup)[edit]

  • Option to add a group - JS code to add group(not a new page).
  • Checkbox method to remove the groups.Next to group name we will have the number of pages in the particular group.

Basic Code Template[edit]


To view WatchGroups.

 * @author VivekKumarBagaria <>

/** To Do
 * 1)Edit button next to the groupname(this will redirect the user to edit the Group Preferences)
 * 2)To display  more details of the groups like no of pages etc
 * 3)To add CSS and JS.
 * 4)Eliminate the duplication of groupnames

class SpecialWatchGroup extends SpecialPage {

	protected $output ;
	protected $user ;
	protected $request ;
	public function __construct(){
			parent::__construct('WatchGroup' );

	public function addnewline(){
		$this->output->addHTML('<br>') ;
	public function execute($mode){
		 * 	Check if user is anonymous?
		 *  If User is Anon return with a msg displaying to login
		$this->user 	= $this->getUser() ;
		$this->request = $this->getRequest() ;
		$this->output = $this->getOutput() ;
		if( $this->user->isAnon() ) {
			self::userIsAnon() ;
			return ;
		 * Adding headers 
		 * Checking whether a new group is added
		$newGroup 	= $this->request->getText( 'newgroup', null ) ;	
		if(!is_null($newGroup) && $newGroup!=''){
			$visibility	= $this->request->getBool('visible') ; 
			$editable	= $this->request->getBool('editable') ;
			self::addNewGroup($this->user  ,$newGroup ,$visibility , $editable ) ;
		 * Display the users Group
		$list = self::ExtractWatchGroup($this->user);
		if(count($list) == 0){
			$this->output->addWikiMsg( 'nowatchgroup' );
			$this->output->addWikiMsg( 'watchgroup-head' );
		$this->displayGroupNames($list) ;

public static function addNewGroup($user ,$newGroup , $visibilty = 0 , $editable = 0 ){
		$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
		$rows = array(
					'wg_user' => $user->getId(),
					'wg_groupname' => $newGroup , 
					'wg_visible_group' => $visibilty,
					'wg_public_editable' => $editable,
		$dbw->insert( 'watchgroups',$rows,__METHOD__, 'IGNORE');
			return true ;
			return false ;
	public static function removeGroup($user ,$Group ){
		$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
		$rows = array(
					'wg_user'		=> $user->getId(),
					'wg_groupname'	=> $Group , 
		$dbw->delete( 'watchgroups',$rows,__METHOD__, 'IGNORE');
		$rows = array(
					'wp_user'		=> $user->getId(),
					'wp_groupname'	=> $Group , 
		$dbw->delete( 'watchpages',$rows,__METHOD__, 'IGNORE');

			return true ;
			return false ;
	public function addGroupForm(){
		$this->addnewline() ;
		$newline = '<br>' ;
		$this->output->addhtml(Html::rawElement( 'div',	array( 'class' => 'mw-watchgroup-addgroup-title' ), wfMsg('watchgroup-add-new') ));
		$form	 = Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method'	=> 'post',
													'action'	=> $this->getTitle()->getLocalUrl(),
													'id'		=> 'mw-watchgroup-submit' )) ;
		$form	.= Xml::label( wfMsg('watchgroup-add-form-groupname'), 'mw-watchgroup-form-groupname' ) ;
		$form	.= Xml::element('input' , array('name' => 'newgroup',)).$newline ;
		$form	.= Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('watchgroup-add-form-visible'), "visible", "visiblecheckbutton", array());
		$form	.= Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('watchgroup-add-form-editable'), "editable", "editablecheckbutton", array()).$newline;
		$form 	.= Xml::submitButton( wfMsg('watchgroup-add-form-add-group') ) ;
		$form 	.= Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) ;
		$this->output->addHTML( $form ) ;
	public static function userIsAnon(){
		$this->getOutput()->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'watchgroup-nologin' ) );
			$llink = Linker::linkKnown(
				SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userlogin' ),
				$this->msg( 'loginreqlink' )->escaped(),
				array( 'returnto' => $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() )
			$this->getOutput()->addHTML( $this->msg( 'watchgroup-listanontext' )->rawParams( $llink )->parse() );
	public function displayGroupNames($list){
		$this->output->addHTML("<ul>") ;
		foreach ($list as $groupnames){
			$tools = "<li>".Linker::linkKnown(
				SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'WatchParticularGroup', $groupnames ),

			$this->output->addhtml(Html::rawElement( 'div',
						array( 'class' => 'mw-watchgroup-groupnames' ), $tools )
		$this->output->addHTML("</ul>") ;
	public static function ExtractWatchGroup($user){
		$list = array();
		$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE, 'watchgroups' );		
		$res = $dbr->select(
					'wg_user' => $user->getId(),
		foreach ($res as $row){
			// Yet To check the validity of the groupname
			$list[] = $row->wg_groupname ;
		return $list;
	public function addEditSubtitle(){
		$subtitle = Linker::linkKnown(
				SpecialPage::getTitleFor( "EditWatchGroup" ),"EditWatchGroup"  	);
		$this->output->addSubtitle($subtitle) ;


To add/remove WatchGroup. This can be combined with SpecialWatchGroup. But i have just followed the current structure. Suggestion required.

 * @author vivekkumarbagaria <>
 * Function : To Edit the groups 
class SpecialEditWatchGroup extends SpecialPage {

	protected $output ;
	protected $user ;
	protected $request ;
	public function __construct(){
		parent::__construct( 'EditWatchGroup' );

	public function execute($mode){

		$this->user 	= $this->getUser() ;
		if( $this->user->isAnon() ) {
			SpecialWatchGroup::userIsAnon() ;
			return ;
		$this->request = $this->getRequest() ;
		$this->output = $this->getOutput() ;
		$list = SpecialWatchGroup::ExtractWatchGroup($this->user);
		$this->CreateEditForm($list) ;

	//This function is taken from SpecialEditWatchList
	public function CreateEditForm($list){
		$titles = implode( $list, "\n" );
		$fields = array(
			'Titles' => array(
				'type' => 'textarea',
				'label-message' => 'watchlistedit-raw-titles',
				'default' => $titles,
		$form = new HTMLForm( $fields, $this->getContext() );
		$form->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
		$form->setSubmitCallback( array( $this, 'submitRaw' ) );
	public function submitRaw( $data ){
		$wanted = explode( "\n" ,trim($data['Titles']));
		$current = SpecialWatchGroup::ExtractWatchGroup($this->user) ;
		if(count($wanted) > 0) {
			$add = array_diff( $wanted, $current );
			$remove = array_diff( $current, $wanted );
			if(count($add) >0){
				$this->addGroups( $add );
			if(count($remove) > 0){
				$this->removeGroups( $remove );	

		} else {
		$this->output->addHTML("Groups have been added and removed as you wished") ;
	public function addGroups($list){
		foreach ($list as $group) {
			SpecialWatchGroup::addNewGroup( $this->user ,$group) ;

	public function removeGroups($list){
		foreach ($list as $group) {
			SpecialWatchGroup::removeGroup($this->user, $group) ;
	private function clearWatchGroups(){
		$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
			array( 'wp_user' => $this->getUser()->getId() ),

	public function addViewSubtitle(){
		$subtitle = Linker::linkKnown(
				SpecialPage::getTitleFor( "WatchGroup" ),"ViewWatchGroup"  	);
		$this->output->addSubtitle($subtitle) ;