

Hi! I am Vivek from Bangalore, India. I am doing my 2nd year Undergraduate in IIT Madras, Chennai. Currently, I am working on the API to rotate/flip images

Bug Patches[edit]

Theses are some patches I have submitted

Fixed the problem of clicking the preview button twice in WikiLove

Fixed the problem of type=commenttile not working on SpecialPages

Fixed the issue of multispaces automatically not being marked in InputBoxForm

Break tag not working in InputBoxForm. This bug got fixed by the above patch

Removed redundancy in the special:awatchlist code

Invalidated this bug

My Interests[edit]

  • API development

I would love to extend the list of APIs Mediawiki provides and make it easier for the user to use the APIs

  • Extension development
  • Interested in Automatically tagging photos in Wikimedia Commons using computerised object recognition.

-Would like to even develop an API for the above