Topic on Project:Support desk (talkcontribs)

Im creating a table, it has values and color associated with each value like:

{| class="wikitable"

| style="background-color:#fcff2f;" | 1

| style="background-color:#67fd9a;" | 2

| style="background-color:#34cdf9;" | 3

| style="background-color:#34cdf9;" | 3

| style="background-color:#67fd9a;" | 2

| style="background-color:#fcff2f;" | 1

| style="background-color:#fcff2f;" 1

| style="background-color:#34cdf9;" | 3

| style="background-color:#67fd9a;" | 2


There is a way to create "macro" variables or something like that to store the style, so i can store color value and change it only one time. the way im doing now is changing manualy each value. im looking to a way like this:

variable yellow-> style="background-color:#fcff2f;"

variable green-> style="background-color:#67fd9a;"

variable blue-> style="background-color:#34cdf9;"

{| class="wikitable"

| yellow | 1

| green | 2

| blue | 3



Malyacko (talkcontribs)
Bawolff (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Help with classes"