Topic on Extension talk:GoogleLogin (talkcontribs)

I was using extension:GoogleLogin very well.

But recently I recognized some error during account generation test and

[d43764523f7d0f77137e19b5] /w/index.php?title=%ED%8A%B9%EC%88%98:%EA%B3%84%EC%A0%95%EB%A7%8C%EB%93%A4%EA%B8%B0&returnto=%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8 Error from line 27 of /home/vince/www/w/extensions/GoogleLogin/includes/GoogleLogin.php: Class 'Google_Client' not found

All of these messages were shown. What can I do?

Can I use newer version of extension:GoogleLogin for MW 1.42?

Reply to "I use my MW 1.33.2"