Topic on Talk:Talk pages project/Usability/Prototype

Jaw Salvager (talkcontribs)

1. Did you use mobile device or a laptop to test the prototype?

Desktop PC.

2. What did you find unexpected about the prototype?

The order the text and numbers are displayed is odd. This have to be corrected.

Please see the suggested corrections below:

1) TOP

If below is what you want to say:

Latest comment: {{aged}} by {{posted-by}} in topic {{topic-name}}

Then make the translation appear this way:

最新のコメント: {{aged}} | トピック: {{topic-name}} | 投稿者: {{posted-by}}

Reverse translation:

Latest comment: {{aged}} | Topic: {{topic-name}} | Posted by: {{posted-by}}

The demo as it is mean something like this, which is odd:

Latest comment: 2 days ago written by TopicVotes's Carol

2) By Topic

Likewise, if this is what you want to say:

Latest comment: {{aged}} | {{n-comments}} comments | {{n-participants}} people in discussion

Then this is how it should be displayed:

最新のコメント: {{aged}} | コメント数: {{n-comments}} | 参加者数: {{n-participants}}

Reverse translation:

Latest comment: {{aged}} | No. of Comments: {{n-comments}} | No. of Participants: {{n-participants}}

3) "Subscribe"

For "Subscribe" in this case, "更新を通知" fits better.

Reverse translation: Notify updates

You have 「最新の」and「最後の」for the same word "Latest". Either will do, but let's stick to 「最新の」in this case. (Like I did above.) 「最後の」is more like "last". They're interchangeable in many cases , if not always.

3. Which steps in the "Try the Prototype" section did you find difficult to complete?


4. What do you like about the prototype?

It's nice to have a quick view over these stats.

5. What do you wish was different about the prototype?

Showing the number of comments and "latest" post in the "Contents" summary for PC (the same way as in the mobile version) would be nice.

Hope this helps.

PPelberg (WMF) (talkcontribs)

hi @Jaw Salvager – thank you for taking the time to share the feedback you have about the prototype as well as the text strings that appear within it!

Showing the number of comments and "latest" post in the "Contents" summary for PC (the same way as in the mobile version) would be nice.

Two follow up questions for you:

  1. By "Contents summary" are you referring to the box that appears on the left side of the desktop version of the prototype that shows the names of each section and the number of comments within each section?
  2. Assuming the answer to the question above is "yes," can you please share what might be leading you to suggest that information about the latest comment within each section be added to the "Contents" summary portion of the page? For example, how might having the "latest comment" information within the table of contents box help you?
Jaw Salvager (talkcontribs)

Hi @PPelberg (WMF), yes, that's right, I mean that box.

Imagine there's a talk page that have multiple sections where ongoing comments are being made here and there. With the "latest comment" info in the Contents summary, I'll be able to see whether there is a relatively new comment in a section other than the one that will be indicated at the top, without having to scroll through the whole talk page. It will be particularly useful when a talk page has many sections with long comments. Obviously, for a talk page with only one or two section with short comments, it won't be that much useful.

Tacsipacsi (talkcontribs)

The translations on Patch Demo are temporary and need to be redone for the live sites anyway on (separate account required). Feel free to put the correct translations and/or fix the existing ones there.

Jaw Salvager (talkcontribs)

Hi, @Tacsipacsi, thanks for your info.

I opened an account over there and am awaiting my account upgrade for edit right now.

PPelberg (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I can fix the translations on the PatchDemo prototype wiki if you give me the right codes. You can see the current versions at:

(Click 'view source' to see the wikitext. Try this link: to see where each message appears, and to see page in Japanese.)

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