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Weird error from ContactPage extension

RedKnight7 (talkcontribs)

I feel quite sure I haven't changed anything in my tiny personal MediaWiki, but if I try to use my ContactPage extension now, and include an email address for the contact, I get this error on the Contact page:

Error from Contact Page

If I try the Contact Page with NO email address, then it properly forwards a copy to my personal email (as MW site admin), like always. It's only if an email address / any email address is added, that it gives this error. And doesn't forward anything.

Of course, a Contact page is pretty useless if contactees can't tell you their email address.

I only have the standard / default ContactPage extension settings in my LocalSettings.php. It was working a few weeks ago, but now that I tested it again, it doesn't. Real frustrating... I swear I don't want a Ph.D. in MW troubleshooting... I just want to post content on my wiki! Sigh.

Any ideas?

Edit: Thanks Malyacko; I have:

  • MediaWiki 1.35.1
  • PHP 7.3.33 (cgi-fcgi)
  • MySQL 5.7.32-35-log

Here's my site's contact page.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

Please see "Post a new question" in the sidebar.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

Are you on linux? Which MTA (e.g. postfix, sendmail, qmail, etc) is installed? Can you verify it works using commandline tools like "mail"?

Alternatively try switching to SMTP instead.

RedKnight7 (talkcontribs)

Hi, my host provider SiteGround maybe is? ... to make a long story short, I found the solution with the help of someone better at MW than I. He also wrote something up specifically for this issue and ContactPage. See this recent post.

Thanks so much for trying to help, but I doubt anyone here could've figured it out without interactively pounding away at it. Going in ping pongs in the Support forum with everybody pitching in 5 things for me to read or try would've probably only resulted in me really screwing up my MW install far past the simple core problem, sigh.

Na-oma (talkcontribs)

Check the last post of www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:T4d834xnkk6asxi7 $wgEmergencyContact (and possibly $wgPasswordSender) have to be set. I do not know if they have to be working email accounts, but it would not hurt.

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