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Topic on Talk:Talk pages project/Notifications/Flow

Automatic Topic Subscription Feedback: Pelagic

Summary by PPelberg (WMF)

T295946: First-Run Experience: Make "Preferences" affordance more obviously clickable

T295948: First-Run Experience: Pop-up appears behind page chrome when starting creating new talk page

T295950: Simplify automatic re-subscribe logic

T295087: Enable people to opt-out of being automatically subscribed from within DiscussionTools

Pelagic (talkcontribs)

What did you find unexpected about how the prototype looks and functions?

  • Wasn't expecting the popup. Though you said there would be one, I hadn't read to the end of the instructions! Presumably in a non-demo environment I would have already visited Preferences to turn the setting on, but having the button to return to preferences is still a good thing. In another sense the pop-up was not unexpected: it's consistent with what happens when I use other features for the first time. On subsequent replies, would I get the normal “you have subscribed” box the same as when I tap the subscribe link?
  • In Timeless skin, the text column in the popup is narrower, and the Okay I got it / Preferences buttons stack vertically instead of horizontally. (Not a problem for me, and the size of the box feels proportionate to the size of the page.)
  • Creating a new discussion page in Vector, the pop-up is over the header area: the user links and edit / history tabs render on top of the pop-up, not behind it.
  • (Not part of auto-subscribe, but noticed that) somehow the main page got added to my watchlist; seems the checkbox in reply tool is on-by-default and in my haste I hadn't expanded Advanced to turn that off.
  • There appears to be some logic in place that you won't be auto-resubscribed to a topic that you already unsubscribed from. (!)

What do you appreciate about the prototype?

  • As someone already familiar with Reply Tool and topic subscription, I appreciate that autosubscription smoothly fits those together – no mess, no fuss. Tested on desktop web, tablet, no keyboard, Vector (v1 “classic”) and Timeless skins.

What do you wish was different about the prototype?

  • That it be available on mobile web also. 😉 I know, all in due time.
  • Minor tweaks to z-order, per unexpected above.
  • It would be nice to have an option in reply tool to (not)-subscribe as a one-off exception to the general auto-subscribe setting. (Probably more relevant when the setting is off.) How to convey that it's once-only action and not sticky? (I'm imagining a checkbox whose initial state and help tip depend on the underlying preference “[x] Subscribe to this section [?] Unchecking this box will not change your preference to automatically subscribe to topics when replying.”.)
PPelberg (WMF) (talkcontribs)

hi @Pelagic! We appreciate you trying the prototype and sharing the experience you had with it here. Comments and questions in response below...

1) Presumably in a non-demo environment I would have already visited Preferences to turn the setting on, but having the button to return to preferences is still a good thing.

This is helpful confirmation to have. Related to the link to "Preferences" that appears within the pop-up, we're planning to iterate on the link's design to make it more obviously clickable. You didn't mention this explicitly, tho I thought you might value being aware of this work. More details in T295946.

2) On subsequent replies, would I get the normal “you have subscribed” box the same as when I tap the subscribe link?

Interesting question.

Question: Before responding, can you share whether you would expect to see the same "you have subscribed" box as when you manually tap a [ subscribe ] link?

3) In Timeless skin, the text column in the popup is narrower, and the Okay I got it / Preferences buttons stack vertically instead of horizontally. (Not a problem for me, and the size of the box feels proportionate to the size of the page.)

Noted. For now, I'm going to categorize this in my mind as, "Not being an issue. Although, it's helpful to be aware of how the pop-up appears in Timeless."

If you think we should be thinking about this differently, please let us know as much!

4)Creating a new discussion page in Vector, the pop-up is over the header area: the user links and edit / history tabs render on top of the pop-up, not behind it.

Great spot!

Question: Can you please read the steps I've documented in T295948 and let me know if I've missed any part of what you were describing above?

5) ...somehow the main page got added to my watchlist

Question: To be doubly certain, would it be accurate for me to understand the above as you saying, "It was unexpected to me that in responding to a discussion on the Main page's talk page that I would be automatically be adding the Main page to my watchlist."

6) There appears to be some logic in place that you won't be auto-resubscribed to a topic that you already unsubscribed from

Interesting! We intentionally made it so when someone is automatically subscribed to a conversation, and they subsequently unsubscribe from that conversation, that person should remain unsubscribed to that conversation until they manually resubscribe to it.

Although, you sharing the feedback about is leading me to wonder whether we've assumed incorrectly here and if people would have an easier time "grasping" the feature were the logic that determines whether you are automatically subscribed to a discussion were to remain consistent in all scenarios.

In any event, I've filed T295950 for us to consider adjusting this logic.

7) ...I appreciate that autosubscription smoothly fits those together – no mess, no fuss.

The team will be glad to hear this ^ _ ^

8)That it be available on mobile web also. 😉 I know, all in due time.

Us too! You can track our progress on introducing topic subscriptions – manual and automatic – on mobile in T280821.

9)Minor tweaks to z-order, per unexpected above.

Question: can you say more here? Are you referring to the issue that's now described in T295948?

10) It would be nice to have an option in reply tool to (not)-subscribe as a one-off exception to the general auto-subscribe setting.

Question: Can you share a scenario where you'd want to comment in a discussion, or start a new one, and NOT wanting to be automatically subscribed to it? In the meantime, I've added you to T295087 where we are considering implementing something similar to what you're describing here.

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