Topic on Project:Support desk

Can you make spam prevention your software’s default?

Summary by TiltedCerebellum

"SpamBlacklist is an option in the installer."

Romanophile (talkcontribs)

Yes, I realize that Manual:FAQ#Anti-spam already exists, but not being a sysop it is of very limited use to me right now. This spam prevention should be default regardless: I’ve noticed that the spambots all have patterns like generic real names, sometimes with meaningless numbers attached, and they tend to link to similar websites. Even after blocking all of these things indefinitely, they just keep coming back. In some cases I’ve actually seen these things overtake entire projects; they’re only unable to do so on mine because new accounts require moderator approval, but I am still getting very tired of cleaning up these things when I could be concentrating on something more productive.

Sadly, I have a feeling that you won’t directly intervene to solve this ongoing problem, but I am just so frustrated right now that I don’t know what else to do but wait (im)patiently for the sysop to return.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

SpamBlacklist is an option in the installer. That is about as default as it gets. MediaWiki is used for many different purposes, spam blacklist isn't appropriate for all of them.