Topic on Talk:Compatibility

"Current and previous version"

George Ho (talkcontribs)

I'm curious. The Compatibility#Browser support matrix says "Current and previous version". Does it mean the last two versions (one current, other previous) of Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge? If not, then what else does it mean?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

It does, yes.

George Ho (talkcontribs)

That means Chrome on Windows 7 (discussed at Topic:Vez28sl17aww4qzz) will run a "Grade C" matrix when Google will stop supporting the browser on Windows 7, right?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

No. They'll get Grade X support.

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)
George Ho (talkcontribs)

So which versions of Chrome will receive the Grade C support?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

The current and immediately former release versions. As of today, that's 79 and 78.

Once Chrome abandons Windows 7 (which went EOL years ago and EOS this week), it'll not get release versions, and so will fall into Grade X.

At that point, the only Grade A browser on Windows 7 will be Internet Explorer 11, which I imagine we'll be dropping quite soon, and then there'll be none.

George Ho (talkcontribs)

the task (phab:T269504) that I filed about Windows 7 was closed as "invalid". I thought long hard about the compatibility of browsers in Windows 7, but I don't know where else to (re-)start. I don't want to migrate to another OS yet just to receive further support for browsers. But I'm still troubled by the page's not mentioning "operating system". The fact that Chrome and other browsers on Win 7 were downgraded from Grade A to Grade C (except IE11, still Grade A to this date) without any other kind of mention when Microsoft's support for Win7 ended still irks me. Must I create a task demanding extension of basic support for soon-to-be older final versions of browsers in unsupported OSes, or what else shall I do?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

You can ask for it. I don't think the teams responsible will say yes. Windows 7 is really, really not OK to encourage people to use, and I think it would be a very poor use of donor funds to work to make it easier to do something so risky.

George Ho (talkcontribs)

All right. Have you already scheduled end of support for browsers on Windows 7? If not, shall I create a such task on Phab, or is that unnecessary? That would attract remaining Win7 users wanting to stick with it, wouldn't it?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

We don't support operating systems. We support browsers, based on features, encryption availability, and likelihood of security issues being fixed. I'm not sure what solution you're driving towards?

George Ho (talkcontribs)

All right. I'll drop the OS matter for now. I'll stick to browsers and report issues with the browser in the future then.

George Ho (talkcontribs)

Were you confusing Grade C with Grade A? If not, what about what the table says about browsers using different matrices?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Were you confusing Grade C with Grade A?

No, I was not.

If not, what about what the table says about browsers using different matrices?

I'm sorry, I don't understand?

George Ho (talkcontribs)

I'll clarify: The table chart at Compatibility#Desktop lists "Modern" (Grade A), "Basic" (Grade C), and "Unknown" (Grade X) in rows. The way you answered makes the chart not as accurate as seen there unless I misinterpret what the chart actually says. Or for what does the chart intend?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

If you don't spell out what you're interpreting it to mean, I can't tell you whether you're misinterpreting it.

"Grade A" is real, tested JS support.

"Grade X" is probable, untested JS functionality, which is unsupported.

"Grade C" is known-broken-with-JS-so-we-don't-try.

George Ho (talkcontribs)

I'll put this another way.

"Modern" row lists "Current and previous version[s]" of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera. Then it lists IE11+, Safari 5.1+, iOS 6.1+, and Android 4.1+. Do those versions correctly belong to that row?

"Basic" row lists Chrome 1+, Firefox 3.0+, Opera 15.0+, Edge 12+, IE8+, Safari 3.0+, iOS 5.0+, and Android 2.0+. Is this listing correct?

Jdforrester (WMF) (talkcontribs)

"Modern" row lists "Current and previous version[s]" of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera. Then it lists IE11+, Safari 5.1+, iOS 6.1+, and Android 4.1+. Do those versions correctly belong to that row?

Yes. (Though in practice users of Android 4.3 and below can't access Wikimedia properties any more because of SSL issues.)

"Basic" row lists Chrome 1+, Firefox 3.0+, Opera 15.0+, Edge 12+, IE8+, Safari 3.0+, iOS 5.0+, and Android 2.0+. Is this listing correct?

Yes. (Though again, the SSL issue arises.)

Volker E. (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Reply to ""Current and previous version""