Topic on Extension talk:Widgets

Evolution and evolvability (talkcontribs)

Copied from Topic:V7zkqg3r76oc4omn


What would be the necessary steps to enable this code to embed in a page:

<span class="__dimensions_badge_embed__" data-id="pub.1067741279" data-hide-zero-citations="true" data-style="small_circle"></span><script async src="&lt;nowiki&gt;;/nowiki&gt;" charset="utf-8"></script>

See for info

It would be highly useful to be able to get them working on WikiJournal articles.

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Widgets will never be installed for wikis run by the WMF. Try to get them to create a dedicated extension. However I guess this is pretty unlikely to, but asking for it does not hurt.