Topic on Extension talk:Header Tabs

Is this working on 1.30?

Skunark (talkcontribs)

I'm not seeing the div tags get generated with the correct header tab id for REL1_30 downloaded file. Any thoughts?

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Did it work for you with a previous MediaWiki/HT version? Or could there be an error in the wikitext?

Skunark (talkcontribs)

Wikitext works fine on a much older (mw23) install. I do see the javascript show up in the html output, so im curious if there is a dependency missing in the composer.json? (Nondev) Can i assume im not the first to run this with mw30?

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

I don't think you are... which doesn't mean that there's no bug. Does the JavaScript console show any error messages?

Skunark (talkcontribs)

No errors but the following warnings that appear on every page

[Warning] This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "jquery.ui.widget". (Home, line 91)

[Warning] This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "jquery.ui.core". (Home, line 86)

Please use "mediawiki.ui.button" or "oojs-ui" instead.

[Warning] JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.bind() is deprecated (load.php, line 140)

Are there any unique hooks i can enable to debug? If not, i will attempt to install MW and the extensions differently (not via the package manager)

Skunark (talkcontribs)

Manual install has the same issues. I am right in expecting the headertab Id to show up in the div tag? And that is a probably an issue with perhaps php-fcgi or just something with my php install itself?

M art in (talkcontribs)

I also have issues with headertabs and MW 1.30: Tabs are generated but to small (height) to display the header text.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

@Skunark - those JS warnings need to be fixed up, but I don't think they're related to Header Tabs not working.

You can see an example of the HTML when Header Tabs works correctly here:

M art in (talkcontribs)

My Issue was provoked by the Skin:Tweeki. I commented out the call and now HeaderTabs works again.

Skunark (talkcontribs)

I enabled tidy which seems to do bad things with headertabs..

$wgTidyConfig = [

'driver' => 'RaggettInternalPHP',

'tidyConfigFile' => "$IP/includes/tidy/tidy.conf",


I guess i got a little overzealous optimizing things. Thanks for your time and i'm so glad i got this re-enabled.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Skunark - great, I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I added Tidy to the list of extensions and other technologies that are known to break Header Tabs.

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