Topic on 2017 wikitext editor/Feedback

Not being able to explore the source word

Summary by Whatamidoing (WMF)
チルノ (talkcontribs)

When I open the tool "explore the source word" and this tool at the same time,I find it confusing that the page jumps to an Editing page.I wonder if it is a bug.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your message. Could you please give me a link to the page that you were at, and tell me what you were clicking on?

チルノ (talkcontribs)

Well,I am a zh Wikipedia user.The reference setting of it is called"参数设置" in Chinese.And in the "小工具"(small tools) button,under the title "界面显示工具"(Displaying tools),there is a option called"編輯頁籤及編輯段落連結([編輯])附帶檢視原始碼([源碼])連結 點按[源碼]會帶到唯讀模式下查看源碼,編輯框文字會被鎖定而不可改動",which shows an button after the article's title to a page showing the source words.After I switch it on and this new tool at the same time ,I find the link "源码"is redirected to this new editor.In other words,I can't only see the source word.Sorry for my poor English.

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Here's what I did:

  1. Go to参数设置#mw-prefsection-gadgets
  2. Enable item #8 in the fourth section of that page.
  3. The new tool gives you a link (if your interface language is set to Chinese) that says, e.g.,数学&action=edit&section=0&summary=/*%20首段%20*/%20&viewsource=1
  4. But if you have the new 2017 wikitext editor enabled, then "&viewsource=1" is ignored. The page opens and you can edit it normally.

This means that they are not supporting "viewsource" yet. I will file a bug report for the developers. Thank you for explaining this to me. I really do appreciate it.