Topic on Talk:Edit Review Improvements/New filters for edit review

"Show last 250 changes": Misleading phrase?

FleetCommand (talkcontribs)

Hey. First, I gotta say, with "New filters for edit review", my watchlist is sexy, smokin' hot! Love it.

Now, our order of the day is the "Show last 250 changes" drop-down, located below the "Active filters" section. What do I come to understand from this wording and location? I come to understand that Wikipedia would start fetching a list of changes one item at the time, compares each fetched item to the filters, displays them if the filters approve, and continues to do so until either 250 items have been approved by filters or no more item is left.

I have a feeling that this is not what actually happens. (I wish I could orchestrate a test that proves it conclusively but I can't. Logic tells me I have no ground to bother you guys with something for which I have no ironclad proof. Too bad emotions have a say in it too.) I have a feeling that Wikipedia first fetches 250 entries and then filters them. If so, the drop-down box must be moved above the "Active filters" box and instead read: "Fetch last 250 changes". But, please first tell me: Am I right or am I wrong? (talkcontribs)

> . But, please first tell me: Am I right or am I wrong?

Dead wrong. It wouldn't make much sense in many cases and would output in empty results a lot of the times if this were the case. Unless there is a bug, it looks for the filters that match, ordered by latest edits, and limits the results to XXX entries.

JMatazzoni (WMF) (talkcontribs)

I think is correct. When you ask for x results, the system will try to deliver them. Which means that this can be a dangerous tool with certain settings that search for results that are rare.

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