Topic on Extension talk:SphinxSearch

Did You Mean.... Feature Issue

Summary by Svemir Brkic

The only remaining issue with enchant has been fixed for MW release branch 1.31 and later (extension version 0.9.1 and later.) (talkcontribs)

Hi guys,I am trying to implement Did You Mean feature on my windows mediawiki setup,but none of three(Enchant,Aspell,Soundex) are working.

For soundex- I have included $wgSphinxSuggestMode = 'soundex'; in localsettings.php file and I am getting this error -"A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software"

For enchant-I replaced soundex with 'enchant',I ran the following as per the instructions -

"C:\WINDOWS\system32>C:\xampp\php\php C:\xampp\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\extensions\S

phinxSearch\SphinxSearch_setup.php --sphinxconf C:\sphinx\bin\"

and I get this error-

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."

For aspell - When I try and install "Aspell-0-50-3-3-Setup.exe" I am getting a lot of errors and setup is not getting completed to move further

Could anyone please help me solve this.

Venkat sabarish (talkcontribs)

I'm also clueless in how to enable the "did you mean feature" using enchant. Its been 2years ago you posted this question and did you find a answer regarding this. If so kindly help me as I'm working with Mediawiki

Svemir Brkic (talkcontribs)

I just installed the latest MW and extension code and followed instructions for setting up enchant suggestions. There was only one issue due the changes in the Maintenance class and how it handles command line arguments. I will try to fix that properly, but unless your problem was that SphinxSearch_setup.php would not create any files, I am not sure that this fix would actually help. That fix is not even needed with older versions of MW (not sure at what point this changed.)