Topic on VisualEditor/Feedback

Problem with adding categories

Summary by Elitre (WMF)
Ziko (talkcontribs)

Hello, when I want to add categories to a page, and I type in some letters of a supposed category, I get a rolldown menu with categories. Alas, the menu is too short.

For example I want to add a category about the history of Schleswig-Holstein in the 19th century. I don't know the exact name of the category (de.WPs rules about cat names are not 100 procent precise). I type in the first letters, and I get some cats starting with "Schleswig-holsteinische G..." So I don't know which of the three options is the one ending on "... (19th century)". I would, it it'd save me time, if I could see the whole cat name.