Topic on Manual talk:$wgUploadDialog

Disable all licensemessages?

Matt Wieland (talkcontribs)

I am running a private wiki on my company's intranet. As we don't have policies for what images to upload I would like to disable the license altogether.

Is this possible? Or will it be a feature in the future? I'm thinking of something as simple as 'licensemessages' => false

Thank you!


Matma Rex (talkcontribs)

No, it's not possible. The licensing options in this dialog aren't very configurable :(

Magol (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem. I hope this is fixed in the future.

Crismagnabosco (talkcontribs)

Hello. Any news about this feature?

I've the same problem.


NicolasEcarnot (talkcontribs)


We are facing the same issue.

How complex is it to implement this feature?


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