Topic on User talk:Yurik/Flow Archive 1

quick question on graph

Arnaugir (talkcontribs)

Hello, just a quick question (I don't know where else to ask). Is it possible to somehow modify the attributes of an "arc" graph so it is not a complete circle but a semicircle? My guess is that it is not possible (at the moment), but it's worth asking :-) Cheers

Arnaugir (talkcontribs)

Well yes... it is indeed possible . Sorry for bothering :)

Yurik (talkcontribs)

Hi, just got to the computer. Impressive graph! I would love to help in general, but i am not very good at those - I know only very basics of the graphs itself - the knowledge of the vega language was not needed to bring it to Wikipedia :) In general, they have a mailing list/google group that you can post to, usually someone would reply... eventually :) Or we should start a big help system/known solutions in mw:Extension:Graph/Help or some other place like that (someone even created a stub at w:en:Help:Graph. Other ideas i had so far: You can host data on commons and reference it directly from graphs as action=raw links, you can use Lua to parse (local only) data and pass it as a parameter into a graph, where graph is done as a template with a parameter. I will experiment and demo a few of these approaches at some point. Hope it works well for you! Good luck :)

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