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Topic on Extension talk:WikiFarm

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfLoadExtensionMessages() in …/extensions/WikiFarm/WikiFarm_body.php on line 7

2 (talkcontribs)

I have MW 1.22.6 and I have encountered this problem.
I do not understand how to solve it. I commented the line 7 in WikiFarm_body.php, but the problem persists. What is wrong?

Seb35 (talkcontribs)

These functions must be commented in the 6-7 classes, so probably the error message changed a bit and is something like /extensions/WikiFarm/WikiFarmStatistics/WikiFarmStatistics_body.php.

Reply to "Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfLoadExtensionMessages() in …/extensions/WikiFarm/WikiFarm_body.php on line 7"