Topic on Extension talk:SphinxSearch

Do not call this method...

3 (talkcontribs)


I have the following error flooding my apache's error.log file everytime a user performs a search:

DEPRECATED: Do not call this method or, even better, use SphinxQL instead of an API in /var/www/wiki/extensions/SphinxSearch/sphinxapi.php on line 763, referer: XXX

Line 763 and the ones after it of sphinxapi.php is as follows:

 function SetMatchMode ( $mode )
                trigger_error ( 'DEPRECATED: Do not call this method or, even better, use SphinxQL instead of an API', E_USER_DEPRECATED );
                assert ( $mode==SPH_MATCH_ALL
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_ANY
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_PHRASE
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN
                        || $mode==SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 );
                $this->_mode = $mode;

I am using SphinxQL. I have the following lines in sphinx.conf:

listen          =
listen          = localhost:9306:mysql41

Netstat confirms that searchd is linstening on port 9306:

root@WIKI:/etc/sphinxsearch# netstat -nlp | grep searchd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      25975/searchd
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      25975/searchd
Svemir Brkic (talkcontribs)

You may be using SphinxQL, but the extension does not. For now you can remove that trigger_error line from sphinxapi.php. (talkcontribs)

Oh I see :) Thank you very much for the info.

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