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[RESOLVED]How to add a checkbox "license read confirmation" into the usercreate.php

3 (talkcontribs)

How to add the data['readlicense'] and how to check it into my personal mediawiki

I have add two messages into the MessagesFr.php 'userlogin-licenseRead' (title of the checkbox) and 'login-abort-license-not-read' (for error report) into the MessagesFr.php

I think that in Usercreate.php it is necessary to add something like

<label class="mw-ui-checkbox-label">
<input name="wpReadLicense" type="checkbox" value="1" id="wpReadLicense" tabindex="9"
    <?php if ( $this->data['readlicense'] ) 				
   echo 'checked="checked"';
} ?>
<?php echo $this->getMsg( 'userlogin-licenseRead' )?>

but i don't understand where define 'readlicense' and how to perform the check ans output error if this checkbox is not accept?

Is somebody could give me the right coding or the procedure and the list of files to modify (API ?)?

Great thank

Jack Phoenix (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

Many thank for your answer Jack : I didn't know this extension and it was exactly what I was looking for

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