Topic on Extension talk:MsUpload

Two Icons in WikiEditor ?

9 (talkcontribs)

My mediawiki 1.21.2 with WikiEditor 0.3.1 displays two MSUpload Icons?!? The first direct in the toolbar and the second at the end of the "Advanced" Menuebar ... The second is not clickable and overlays the "In Progress" Circle ... Any Idea how to remove the icon in advanced menue? Thanks.

SmartK (talkcontribs)

Same here with mw 1.22 alpha.

Schot (talkcontribs)

I have this problem as well. This is an amazing tool but I wish I could fix this problem. I am using mediawiki 1.21.2 - WikiEditor 0.3.1 - MsUpload 9.5

The button on the lower right does nothing when clicked.

Schot (talkcontribs)

Ok... I think I fixed this. I have no idea how to write javascript but I do know a good amount of html and css. So using that knowledge I compared back and forth between my site's underlying output and the base js for this extension which is the "msupload.js" file. Here's what I did:

In my file I found this:

var upload_tab = $(document.createElement("div")).attr('class','group').appendTo('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .toolbar');

In that line of code I changed the end of it from ".toolbar" to ".section-main" so that it looks like the below:

var upload_tab = $(document.createElement("div")).attr('class','group').appendTo('#wikiEditor-ui-toolbar .section-main');

The problem is that using appendTo to .toolbar is not specific enough so that only one msupload button is loaded. Using appendTo to .section-main seems to be the perfect solution.

Once again, thanx to Ratin. This extension is helping me a lot with my wiki.  :) (talkcontribs)

Looks fine ... Thanks a lot ...

SmartK (talkcontribs)

Great. Let's hope Ratin implements this soon in the next version!

Ratin (talkcontribs)

Thanks Schot! I updated Version 9.5 with your bugfix.

SmartK (talkcontribs)

Yes it's working now. GREAT Please use Version 9.5.1 :-)

Sophivorus (talkcontribs)

MsUpload has been heavily updated. I was unable to reproduce this bug with the latest MsUpload (10.0), while using WikiEditor 0.3.1 with MediaWiki 1.21 or 1.22, as well as with the latest MediaWiki and WikiEditor, and had no trouble. Can someone else download the latest MsUpload and confirm that this bug is fixed?

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