Topic on VisualEditor/Feedback

Error loading data from server: parsoidserver-http-bad-status: 404. Would you like to retry? - On my own Alpha install

Summary last edited by Elitre (WMF) 08:15, 14 September 2016 7 years ago

Solutions provided in the thread.

MarkJurgens (talkcontribs)

Great job guys, I just need a little help making it work on my install!

I'm getting a similar error to the one described here, but on my own installation of editor.

It DID work previously with wmf4 and a snapshot of the editor at the beginning of June. Somehow upgrading it broke.

I've checked out the latest editor and the master version of MW as of June 9. I installed it again in a separate /wiki2 directory and got the same error:

 Error loading data from server: parsoidserver-http-bad-status: 404. Would you like to retry?

However, when I create a new page, the editor loads! But does not let me save the page. Error: Error contacting the Parsoid server in the review popup.

Is there anything wrong with the way I'm linking to parsoid?

 $wgVisualEditorParsoidURL = '';
 $wgVisualEditorParsoidPrefix = '';

The wiki is in /wiki directory. Thanks!

This post was hidden by (history) (talkcontribs)


Raftab (talkcontribs)

First, you should use the $wgVirtualRestConfig array instead of $wgVisualEditorParsoidURL & $wgVisualEditorParsoidPrefix.

Second, I came across issues like this, I couldn't find the issue in my apache error logs as I was trying to find out where it was looking and if there was some webserver translation going on. I ended up using wireshark to capture a trace of when I attempt to use VisualEditor, after some trial and error I was able to modify the Parsoid URL to what it required.

Other things to think about:

  • Can you read wiki pages from your parsoid instance? e.g.<wiki_URL>/v3/page/html/<wiki_page>
  • Can you curl from your parsoid server?
  • Is your localsettings.js file on the parsoid server right?
Andreyshade84 (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem, my configs:


$wgDefaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'] = 1;
$wgHiddenPrefs[] = 'visualeditor-enable';
$wgVisualEditorParsoidURL = 'http://mywiki:8142';
$wgVisualEditorParsoidPrefix = 'wiki';


parsoidConfig.setMwApi('wiki', 'http://mywiki/api.php');
parsoidConfig.useSelser = true;

Please help!

Arlolra (talkcontribs)

The link Raftab provided should help you out. I recommend you do that. But you can also try adding to the your configuration as is,

$wgVisualEditorParsoidDomain = 'mywiki';

I think that defaults to localhost but Parsoid will extract the mywiki from http://mywiki/api.php.

Either that, or set,

  prefix: 'wiki',
  domain: 'localhost',
  uri: 'http://mywiki/api.php',

The point being that these all need to line up. (talkcontribs)

Work for me. Thanks.

Escalatr (talkcontribs)
  • I am sorry to reopen this thread, but I am stuck with the error 404, thread:
  • @Raftab, you are writing:
    Second, I came across issues like this, I couldn't find the issue in my apache error logs as I was trying to find out where it was looking and if there was some webserver translation going on. I ended up using wireshark to capture a trace of when I attempt to use VisualEditor, after some trial and error I was able to modify the Parsoid URL to what it required. comment permalink
    • Could you please explain your findings with WireShark?
    • How did you modify the Parsoid URL?
      Thanks in advance.