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[RESOLVED] New installed MediaWiki looks "a little weird" - no images at all only text and links

7 (talkcontribs)

Hi everyone,

i´ve installed my "internal use only MediaWiki" on a WinXP ESX-VM using XAMPP. I used the following Versions:

MediaWiki: 1.18.0 PHP: 3.01 Database: MySQL Server 5.5 XAMPP: 1.7.7

I´m not verry experienced with that "webserver-php-mysql" stuff....

The Problem is, the wiki is running, but my website looks like this (there are no images at all only text and links):


i´m quite shure it is a verry stupid mistake, but i´ve been looking for solutions and trying different settings without success ...

Thx in advance SanCho

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

This is a sign there is something broken about how CSS is being loaded (and the skins directory). Make sure load.php (and skins directory) is properly web accessible. Did you install from the official web site, or did you get MediaWiki from some third party (like a linux package)? Sometimes non-official versions of MediaWiki are really screwed up. Additionally you say PHP: 3.01, but we don't support that version of php (however, i assume that's just a typo, as you would have had a different error if you actually had that version of php)

Last of all, setting $wgStylePath or $wgLoadScript incorrectly can cause this, but most people don't even know these settings exist, so its unlikely you modified them in an incorrect manner.

MrMonster911 (talkcontribs)

I'm having almost the exact same issue (I DO see the two static images "powered by" and "license info"), but on a Debian 6.0.2 with Apache 2.2.16, PHP 5.5.3 and MediaWiki 1.15.2 from the Debian repositories, everything was just dandy during the setup, but afterwards I'm experiencing the exact same issue as SanCho, I've done some investigations as per your suggestions:

As for accessing the /skins directory:

ls -lah /var/www
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   19 May  2 11:21 wiki -> /var/lib/mediawiki/
ls -lah /var/lib
drwxr-xr-x  5 root    root    4.0K May  2 12:33 mediawiki
ls -lah skins
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Apr 30 15:51 skins -> /usr/share/mediawiki/skins

I see no problems there...

But as for accessing load.php:

locate load.php

Although I'm not entirely convinced it should be there, I looked through the official 1.15.2 archive from mediawikis homepage and couldn't find it in there either...

I'm hoping someone could give me some pointers, if nothing else then point me to what I might do to further troubleshoot this issue?

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

MrMonster911: Try using the official version from this website instead of the debian version. The debian package used to be really broken way long ago. My understanding is that its much better now, but nonetheless I highly reccomend using the official version instead.

As for load.php - its new since 1.17. Versions of MediaWiki before that won't have it (and that's normal). Instead css files are loaded directly from skins directory.

>I'm hoping someone could give me some pointers, if nothing else then point me to what I might do to further troubleshoot this issue?

Look in your apache error log for things that aren't 200 status code, and look like they correspond to mediawiki trying to fetch styles. Get firebug and look in its net console for things with weird error codes. (talkcontribs)

I think you've done the same thing I did. When you first run through the config wizard to generate LocalSettings.php, it gives you a download link called load.php?<something>

I did a Wget on this file into my MediaWiki directory, then renamed it from load.php to LocalSettings.php, overwriting the load.php file in the process.

Very easy fix, `cp /usr/local/mediawiki119/load.php /var/www/mediawiki119/.`

Should now work :) (talkcontribs)

Hi all,

I am having same problem, and not able to understand these any of solutions provided.

I have tried upto finding "Class SkinStandard not found" log and not found said error.

My server works on Apache 2.4.4 My SQL 5.6.12 PHP 5.4.16 Windows XP MW 1.21 (talkcontribs)


This problem in most cases is caused by the fact that requests to load.php are redirected to the MediaWiki main PHP file, which finally returns a MediaWiki page. The expected output however are CSS styles.

To fix the issue you have to add a RewriteRule in the file .htaccess. Change your .htaccess file to make sure that calls to load.php (and to api.php btw.) are not rewritten.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(api|load)\.php - [L]

After that load.php should return the right contents and your wiki should be styled.

Reply to "[RESOLVED] New installed MediaWiki looks "a little weird" - no images at all only text and links"