Topic on Project:Support desk

[RESOLVED] index file exception on save

5 (talkcontribs)

The exception error is

You don't have permission to access /mediawiki/index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

It occurs when trying to save or preview a page (not just this one)

An error is caused by certain URLs and not others. For example, converting:

"http: //"
"" (i.e. dropping the space between the : and the //)

...triggers this error. In fact putting any url there seems to trigger the error.

Earlier in the page, the word "poker" triggers the error. This is avoided if a space is replaced (po ker) and "casino" has a similar effect.

I've looking for a solution for a couple of days without success. Any clues would be most appreciated.

This issue may be related to: (Resolved)Are there forbidden character sequences that can cause 404 errors? except I could not figure out what had been resolved.

*MW: 1.16PHP:5.2.17
Bawolff (talkcontribs)

(Note, this type of error isn't usually referred to as an exception).

Probably caused by your web server configuration. Do you have apache's mod_security enabled?

Can you look at your apache error_log (on many servers this is located in /var/log/apache/error_log, but could be somewhere else depending on how your server is set up). Whatever caused the 403 error to happen most likely resulted in an entry in the error_log. (talkcontribs)

Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated.

For the record (+for others who find there way here), there were two bugs causing the error. The URL component was fixed by resetting all the file/directory permission bits in the MW 'home' directory to 644/755 respectively.

The second, relating to "po ker" => "poker" was fixed by the ISP whitelisting a mod_security issue.


Thewhitebox (talkcontribs)

what MW 'home' directory are you referring to?

Thewhitebox (talkcontribs)
Reply to "[RESOLVED] index file exception on save"