Topic on Project:Support desk

Jeffwang (talkcontribs)

My wiki host (MyWikis) is having problems with login. Users can't create accounts and update.php is useless. Please try creating an account there, thanks!

Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

You have a problem with your database. If you modified the login screen with additional fields (which it appears that you did), did you remember to add the required column to the table in question?

Jeffwang (talkcontribs)
Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

Apparently it did not create the correct table row for you.

Jeffwang (talkcontribs)

Now what?

Jasper Deng (talkcontribs)

Either try upgrading your MediaWiki release to a pre-release version like 1.20 alpha or try creating the row yourself (easy if you can use PHPMyAdmin).

Reply to "User account problem"