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So9q (talkcontribs)

From this page it is not clear to me whether I'm paid as a mentor or not.

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to join restricted group of Outreachy Mentors +2023 updates

Zblace (talkcontribs)

It might be obvious but I do not know How do exactly I request for permissions to be added to a restricted group Outreachy Mentors? I am already a watcher there. @SSethi (WMF)

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)

@Zblace You can ignore this for now. As the application period will open shortly, and we are still discussing the project, we no longer need to keep the project private and restricted to a specific group.

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Zblace (talkcontribs)

@SSethi (WMF) will try to check in detail later in the week.

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