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Talk:Expected behavior

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Reversal of real-life recommendations

Tim.landscheidt (talkcontribs)

The use of this essay by Quim on wikitech-l against MZMcBride points out the power dynamics and the reversal of real-life behaviour here: When someone is objectified and violated, in real-life they are expected to shout "No!" to make it clear in no uncertain terms that the behaviour is inappropriate and they want it to stop. This essay instead expects them to gently say "No, but thank you very much for the experience" and hope that this will convince the perpetrator to cease their behaviour, even if they are repeat offenders and have not shown any consideration in months or years.

It would be more useful to split this essay into two parts: a) Expected behaviour for people who wield power over others, and b) subjects of a). The equality among peers feigned in the current essay does not reflect reality (AGF).

Qgil-WMF (talkcontribs)
This essay instead expects them to gently say "No, but thank you very much for the experience"

Not at all. This essay essentially says that people should behave online as they would behave offline in a similar situation. If they are being objectified or violated in real life, they are fully entitled to defend themselves first.

In the discussion you are referring to, I see no victims of an aggression. The problems reported were about letter case, an article, a word in a description, the use of grayscale in a logo. I don't see why these problems justify the behavior shown in that response. Even less I see a relation between the gravity of these problems and being objectified or violated in real life. In the same thread, TheDJ shows how you can report problems and better ways of working of a team in a civil and constructive way.

Could you explain what does "wield power over others" in our Wikimedia tech context, please? Expected behavior applies to everyone. With power comes responsibility, so the demands on expected behavior should be more strict on those with more power. It's not about different behavior standards, so I don't think separate essays are needed.

If you think in the case of this thread someone is misbehaving while abusing power, and this is what justifies a hostile response, then please provide details.

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Mattflaschen-WMF (talkcontribs)

was not a minor edit. A guideline and an essay are quite different, and this page was intended by its authors to be the former.

You can disagree, but don't claim that the change is minor.

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