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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Refreshed and the translation is 16% complete.
このページはRefreshed 4のドキュメントを掲載しています。 Refreshed 3以下のドキュメントはSpecial:PermanentLink/3442971をご覧ください。
MediaWiki 外装マニュアル - カテゴリ
リリースの状態: 安定
説明 もともとブリキメディアで使用するために設計され、現在はすべてのウィキのために設計されている、クリーンでモダンな外装
作者 Brickimedia (Adam Carter, George Barnick, MtMNC, ShermanTheMythran, Jack Phoenix, Drew1200, SirComputer, Seaside98, Samantha Nguyen, Lewis Cawte), MacFan4000
最新バージョン 4.0.7 (2023-04-03)
MediaWiki 1.43+
ライセンス GNU 一般公衆利用許諾書 2.0 以降
四半期ごとのダウンロード数 39 (Ranked 12th)
使用している公開ウィキ 41 (Ranked 42nd)
既定の外装として使用している公開ウィキ 19
translatewiki.net で翻訳を利用できる場合は、Refreshed 外装の翻訳にご協力ください
問題点 : 未解決のタスク · バグを報告

Refreshedは、クリーンでモダンな外装です。 これは Brickimedia ウィキ ファミリーの利用者によって開発されましたが、他のウィキ ファームやスタンドアロン ウィキにも十分適しています。 Refreshedは、モバイル端末に適応するレスポンシブCSSを採用しており、最新のスマートフォンやタブレット端末に完全対応しています。


Refreshed 4.0.5 は MediaWiki 1.35+ が必要です。 Refreshed 4の以前のバージョンでは、MediaWiki 1.28+が必要です。


  • ダウンロードして、ファイルを skins/ フォルダー内の Refreshed という名前のディレクトリ内に配置します。
  • ファイル LocalSettings.php の末尾に以下のコードを追加してください:
    wfLoadSkin( 'Refreshed' );
  • Refreshed 4.x から新しいバージョンの外装にアップグレードする場合、アップグレード前に必ず custom.less ファイルをバックアップしてください。 アップグレードが完了したら、新しいcustom.lessのコピーを古いコピーと入れ替えます。
  • Yes 完了 - 自分のウィキの Special:Version に移動して、外装が正しくインストールされたことを確認してください。


Choose how to style Refreshed

Refreshed 4 is built using LESS, so you can take advantage of mixins and other features to customize the skin extensively while writing few rules.

Method 1: edit custom.less

This is the simplest method to customize Refreshed using LESS.

Refreshed includes a starter LESS file located at refreshed/styles/screen/custom.less.

Edit this file to customize the skin.

Within this file you can access skin-specific LESS mixins available at refreshed/styles/screen/mixins-public.less.

You can also import wiki-wide mixins; see Manual:コーディング規約/CSS for more information.

If you use this method, remember to back up your custom.less file before upgrading.

Method 2: edit MediaWiki:Refreshed.css

You can customize Refreshed from within your wiki's interface by editing MediaWiki:Refreshed.css.

This allows users to customize the skin without going through the site's backend.

As an added bonus, the wiki's page history provides version control for your CSS.

Unfortunately, MediaWiki does not provide a LESS content model as of version 1.34.

As a result, if you want to customize the skin through the site interface, you must use plain old CSS instead of LESS.

Method 3: use Extension:Theme

You can customize Refreshed through Extension:Theme .

Register and set up a theme for Refreshed just as you would for any other skin.

This method lets you provide multiple customized versions of Refreshed that wiki users can pick from.

Also, if you use this method, you do not have to back up Refreshed's custom.less file every time you upgrade the skin.

You can use LESS, but note that your custom LESS files will be somewhere in the Theme extension's directory while Refreshed's skin-specific mixin file mixins-public.less will still be in the Refreshed skin's directory.

Therefore, if you want to use Refreshed's mixins in your custom LESS files, you will have to @import the mixin file from the Refreshed skin's directory (perhaps with a long relative URL).

Additional customization


Unlike many other skins, Refreshed uses a wordmark instead of a large logo.

To adjust Refreshed's wordmark/mobile icon set $wgLogos[ 'wordmark' ] and $wgLogos[ 'icon' ] per the manual. When the values in $wgLogos aren't set, or if you are using an older version of Refreshed, the below interface messages are used instead (if they are set).

  • MediaWiki:Refreshed-this-wiki-wordmark - The URL of the wordmark displayed on the "big" and "medium" layouts of the skin. This wordmark is also displayed in the sidebar of the "small" layout of the skin.
  • MediaWiki:Refreshed-this-wiki-mobile-logo - The URL of the logo displayed on the "small" layout of the skin. A graphic with no text is recommended.

ウィキ管理者への助言: For optimal display on Refreshed's mobile skin, you should consider either using downscaled images or SVG images so that the logo does not display as blurry on "retina" (high PPI) mobile device screens

Wiki farm support

Refreshed was designed with wiki farms in mind.

By default, Refreshed only shows one wiki logo.

The skin can be configured to also show a dropdown with links to other wikis.

To add other links, edit MediaWiki:Refreshed-wiki-dropdown and add one line of the following form for each wiki in the farm.

* Wiki name|logo image URL|wiki URL

The dropdown appears in the header on the "big" and "medium" layouts of the skin.

In the "small" layout, the dropdown appears in the sidebar.

The third parameter, the wiki URL, defaults to the wiki's main page but can be customized with MediaWiki:Refreshed-this-wiki-url.

Header categories and the Explore dropdown

Refreshed 3.0 and above feature "header categories".

These are customizable dropdowns in the header that contain links to wiki pages.

To modify the header categories, edit MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation and create a list similar to this:

* Category 1
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 1
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 2
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 3
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 4
* Category 2
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 1
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 2
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 3
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 4
* Category 3
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 1
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 2
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 3
** MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation|Entry 4

Header categories appear in the "big" and "medium" layouts of the skin.

If the window is not wide enough to fit all of the header categories, the header categories are placed inside a single dropdown titled "Explore."

(To change the name of this dropdown, edit MediaWiki:Refreshed-explore.)

In the "small" layout of the skin, the header categories appear in the sidebar.

To display the header categories in a different language, go to MediaWiki:Refreshed-navigation/de where de is the language code and create the same list in the desired language.


Refreshed does not contain advertisements by default, but you can configure it to show Google Ads by placing the following code in your LocalSettings.php file.

function showRefreshedAdvert( &$footerExtra ) {
	$footerExtra = '
		<div id="advert">
			<p>' . wfMessage( 'refreshed-advert' )->escaped() . '</p>
			<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
			<!-- Refreshed ad -->
			<ins class="adsbygoogle"
				(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
	return true;
$wgHooks['RefreshedFooter'][] = 'showRefreshedAdvert';

The values of data-ad-client and data-ad-slot should match the values that Google gave you.

To make your ads responsive across devices, add the following CSS to MediaWiki:Refreshed.css, or MediaWiki:Global-refreshed.css if you are on a wiki farm setup. This requires installing GlobalCssJs.

(As of Refreshed 4, you can also use LESS to customize how the ads display at different window sizes.)

@media (max-width: 500px) {
	.adsbygoogle {
		width: 320px;
		height: 50px;

@media (max-width:799px) {
	.adsbygoogle {
		width: 480px;
		height: 60px;

@media (min-width: 800px) {
	.adsbygoogle {
		width: 728px;
		height: 90px;


Refreshed 4 supports Echo natively.

User avatars

Refreshed autodetects the presence of Extension:SocialProfile and loads users' avatars if they are enabled.

Default avatars

If SocialProfile avatars are not enabled, Refreshed displays a generic icon by your username (or by the "log in" dropdown if you are not signed in).

You can customize these generic icons by editing the following pages.

  • MediaWiki:Refreshed-icon-logged-in - The URL to a default avatar for logged-in users.
  • MediaWiki:Refreshed-icon-logged-out - The URL to a default avatar for logged-out users.

Page status indicators

Refreshed 3 and above supports ページ状態インジケーター .

By default all page status indicators are hidden on the "small" layout of the skin, but you can whitelist individual indicators with the following CSS:

#mw-indicator-name { /* replace "name" with the indicator's "name" value */
	display: inline-block;


Refreshed 4

Refreshed 3 and below