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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Skin:Foreground and the translation is 23% complete.
MediaWiki-felületek kézikönyve - kategória
Kiadási állapot: stabil
Leírás A tartalom előtérbe helyezésére fókuszál
  • Garrick van Buren,
  • Jamie Thingelstad,
  • Tom Hutchison
MediaWiki >= 1.39.0
PHP 7.4.3+
Licenc BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License
  • $wgForegroundFeatures
Quarterly downloads 52 (Ranked 9th)
Public wikis using 312 (Ranked 27th)
Public wikis using as default skin 150
Fordítsd le a(z) Foreground felületet, ha elérhető a translatewiki.net oldalon
Problémák : Nyitott feladatok · Hibajelentés

A Foreground felület a tartalom előtérbe helyezésére fókuszál. It supports responsive layouts and has classes predefined for Semantic MediaWiki. Built on Zurb's Foundation Framework (v5.5.3), a "mobile first" and advanced responsive front-end framework.


  • MediaWiki on top and at the bottom, nothing but content in the middle.
  • Useful Tabs.

Built-in and responsive own tabs.

  • Smart Typography.

Choose the design of the text that you need.

  • Grid Layout.

Place your information efficiently on desktop and mobile devices

  • Teljes Font Awesome (v4.5)-támogatás


  • Download and place the file(s) in a directory called Foreground in your skins/ folder.
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadSkin( 'Foreground' );
  • Configure as required
  • Yes Kész - Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the skin is successfully installed.

Megjegyzés Megjegyzés:



  • Page actions for non-logged-in visitors.
  • Show help and recent changes under tools.
  • Alternate WikiName sets the top navbar name allowing you to abbreviate your wiki's name.

Useful if your $wgSitename is long but you need to keep it for other purposes.

  • Display an icon in the top navbar.
  • Able to produce a meta tag with "X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" to force IE to use the latest browser engine.

For instances when someone has their browser set in compatibility mode.

  • Output the footer icons or suppress them showing only text.
  • AddThis PubID to enable follow icons in the footer.

See the README file for information on how to install and configure this skin.

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