Manual:Gallery of user styles/Omegatron's Fixed Sidebar

(download link not provided)
  • Based on: Monobook
  • Author: User:Omegatron
  • Compatible with MediaWiki version(s): (unknown)
  • Last updated: (unknown)
  • Description:
    The footer still looks good and doesn't overlap. You can see the language box has a scroll bar when it gets too big. This way all the navigation stays on the screen

As far as I know, no one's done this before. One of the things I really liked about the classic skin is the "fixed sidebar", which stays on the left hand side of the screen as you scroll. I used javascript to restructure the page a little and then css to keep the sidebar in position. See meta:Help:User style/floating quickbar.

I've also got a bunch of user scripts. The good ones end up getting developed into better scripts by other people, which you can find elsewhere, and the others aren't stable enough to describe here.

There's also a few tweaks, like removing the logo and crossing out the upload link so I remember to upload to Commons instead.

My main code is on en.wikipedia; see w:en:User:Omegatron/monobook.css and w:en:User:Omegatron/monobook.js. I've got a short command on every other wiki to include the code from there, so I only edit the en version and all my other wiki skins stay in sync. See User:Omegatron/monobook.css and User:Omegatron/monobook.js. (The upload crossing out is counteracted by a line in my Commons css, for instance. See Commons:User:Omegatron/monobook.css)