
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:Translate/Import Translations via CSV and the translation is 52% complete.

This page describes the feature that allows translators to submit their translations via CSV to an system administrator, and then have it imported. タスク T309517



まずCSV形式を経て翻訳したいページを特定。 サンプルに使用するページ:開発ガイドライン。

Go to Special:ExportTranslations and export that page in CSV format in the French (fr) language.

The CSV file exported will be in the following format:

  • Highlight 1 in image - Message definition in the source language
  • Highlight 2 in image - Translations in the exported language. French in this case






  • Empty translations will be ignored. Translations will not actually be removed if a cell in the CSV is made empty.
  • If no modification is made to a translation no new entries will be added to the translation change history.


The file received from the translator can be imported via a command line script made available in the translate extension importTranslationsFromCsv.php:

The script expects the following parameters:

  • Path to the CSV file
  • --user - Name of the user performing the import
  • --summary - Edit summary to be used when updating the translations
  • --really - Actually perform the import. Without this a dry run will be carried out.

Example run

First, a dry run to see what will be imported:

$ php extensions/Translate/scripts/importTranslationsFromCsv.php ~/Projects/html/mediawiki/groups/page-Development\ Guidelines_to_import.csv --user Admin --summary "Importing translations from CSV"

* 3 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/Page display title/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/1/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/2/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/3/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/4/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/5/en

Use option --really to perform the import.

Now perform the actual import:

$ php ./extensions/Translate/scripts/importTranslationsFromCsv.php ~/Projects/html/mediawiki/groups/page-Development\ Guidelines_to_import.csv --user Admin --summary "Importing translations from CSV" --really

* 3 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/Page display title/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/1/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/2/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/3/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/4/en
* 2 translation(s) to import for Translations:Development Guidelines/5/en

Proceeding with import...

(1/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/Page display title/en with 0 failure(s) and 3 successful import(s) ...
(2/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/1/en with 0 failure(s) and 2 successful import(s) ...
(3/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/2/en with 0 failure(s) and 2 successful import(s) ...
(4/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/3/en with 0 failure(s) and 2 successful import(s) ...
(5/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/4/en with 0 failure(s) and 2 successful import(s) ...
(6/6) Imported translations for Translations:Development Guidelines/5/en with 0 failure(s) and 2 successful import(s) ...

Success: Import done