Ekstensi:Pemilahan Halaman
![]() Release status: stable |
![]() |
Implementation | Special page , User interface |
Description | Facilitates reviewing and approving new pages |
Author(s) | Ryan Kaldari, Benny Situ |
Compatibility policy | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible. |
Database changes | Yes |
Tables | pagetriage_log pagetriage_page pagetriage_page_tags pagetriage_tags |
License | MIT License |
Download | |
Example | Special:NewPagesFeed on the English Wikipedia |
Quarterly downloads | 19 (Ranked 118th) |
Translate the PageTriage extension if it is available at translatewiki.net | |
Issues | Open tasks · Report a bug |
PageTriage is an extension that aims to provide a feature-rich interface for triaging newly-created articles. It is intended to replace the new page patrol core function while adding additional functionality for reviewing, tagging, and improving new articles. It adds a Special:NewPagesFeed page, and a page curation toolbar to new pages for those with the 'patrol' permission. It was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation's Features Engineering team. For additional details see Page Curation.
An important note is that some of the configuration and code is specific to the English-language Wikipedia's workflows and as it's constructed now the extension is pretty much impossible to internationalise. (See Phabricator:T50552.)

- Download and move the extracted
folder to yourextensions/
Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage - Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
wfLoadExtension( 'PageTriage' );
- Run the update script which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.
Done – Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.
Checking for successful install
To actually see the extension working:
- Create a new page containing just a few sentences of text as an anonymous user.
- Visit Special:NewPagesFeed
The new page should appear, flagged as "Tanpa kategori", "Yatim", etc. To see the page curation toolbar:
- Login as a user with the 'sysop' permission, or add a group with the "patrol" permission, and add some user to that group, and login as that user.
- Visit Special:NewPagesFeed
- Now you should see a "Tinjau" button next to the new page.
- Click this and you should see the page curation toolbar on the new page.
Advanced installation
Additional extensions
For full functionality, you'll also need to install some additional extensions, although PageTriage works without them.
- Echo - Allows users to receive notifications for things like when an article they created has been marked as reviewed.
- ORES - In Special:NewPagesFeed, allows filtering by "predicted class" (
: stub, start, c-class, b-class, good, featured) and "potential issues" (draftquality
: vandalism, spam, attack, copyvio). The predictions are done with machine learning (except for copyvio, which is done via a third party bot using an API, but is included here becausedraftquality
needs to be turned on). ORES AI is typically trained by editors via https://labels.wmflabs.org/ui/, or by analyzing reverts. The ORES database provides probabilities which are accessed via the ORES extension. A threshold (tolerable false positive rate) is applied to this data, and some of the thresholds are set in the ORES extension's extension.json file. - WikiLove - Adds a button to the Page Curation toolbar that allows you to leave a person a barnstar more easily.
Enabling draft namespace
By default, the draft namespace is disabled, but can be enabled with the following update to LocalSettings.php
// These three settings are optional, and will enable the Articles-for-Creation mode.
$wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId = 118;
$wgExtraNamespaces[ $wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId ] = 'Draft';
$wgExtraNamespaces[ $wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId + 1 ] = 'Draft_talk';
When enabled, a new "articles for creation" tab will show up on Special:NewPagesFeed.
By default pages edited in the draft namespace will be "unsubmitted".
Articles in the draft namespace can be submitted for review by adding [[Category:Pending_AfC_submissions]] to the draft page. At which point they will show up under "awaiting review".
Note the toolbar controlled by the configuration variable $wgPageTriageEnableCurationToolbar does not show up in the draft namespace.
Cron jobs
To make sure old articles are eventually taken out of the new pages feed, you should set up a cron job to run the following file every 48 hours: cron/updatePageTriageQueue.php
Manual testing
Special:NewPagesFeed -> Articles for Creation
- Enable draftspace by following the directions above in the section #Enabling draft namespace.
- In Special:NewPagesFeed, to place a draft in one of the AFC states, you need to create a page in the "Draft" namespace, and add it to the following categories:
- Unsubmitted: (no category)
- Awaiting review: Category:Pending AfC submissions
- Under review: Category:Pending AfC submissions being reviewed now
- Declined: Category:Declined AfC submissions
Note: The Page Curation toolbar does not display for drafts.
Enwiki has the ORES extension installed, which provides machine learning predictions of an article's quality and of some common issues. ORES works fine in production, but requires some setup if you want to test in a localhost environment. It can be desirable to test with ORES turned on, for example, if you are changing the layout of Special:NewPagesFeed. Here is a localhost testing procedure:
- Clone Extension:ORES and add
wfLoadExtension( 'ORES' );
- Add this to
$wgPageTriageEnableOresFilters = true;
$wgOresWikiId = 'enwiki';
$wgOresModels = [
'articlequality' => [ 'enabled' => true, 'namespaces' => [ 0 ], 'cleanParent' => true ],
'draftquality' => [ 'enabled' => true, 'namespaces' => [ 0 ], 'types' => [ 1 ] ]
- Run
php maintenance/run.php ./extensions/ORES/maintenance/BackfillPageTriageQueue.php
Determining if a page is reviewed
Status codes
There are status codes used to track whether a page is reviewed or not. These are the values given when you query patrol_status
, ptrp_reviewed
, and ptrl_reviewed
- Unreviewed
- 0 - unreviewed
- Reviewed
- 1 - reviewed (someone clicked the green check mark in the Page Curation toolbar)
- 2 - patrolled (someone clicked the "Mark as patrolled" link at the bottom right corner of a page)
- 3 - autopatrolled (someone with the
user right created the page, or moved the page from a non-tracked namespace to a tracked namespace) - no result - will occur if the page is not in a tracked namespace (mainspace, userspace, and draftspace), if the article was created before PageTriage was installed, or if the article was reviewed for longer than 30 days (these records are deleted by a cron job)
Via the API
To check the review status of pages using an API query, you can use api.php?action=query&prop=isreviewed
Sample JavaScript code:
* @param {number} pageID The page ID number. A positive number with no commas.
async isReviewed(pageID) {
let api = new mw.Api();
let response = await api.get( {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
prop: 'isreviewed',
pageids: pageID,
} );
return response.query.pages[0].isreviewed;
* @param {string} title One title. Can include namespace. Example: User:Test
async function isReviewed(title) {
let api = new mw.Api();
let response = await api.get( {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
prop: 'isreviewed',
titles: title,
} );
return response.query.pages[0].isreviewed;
To check the review status of pages using an SQL query, you need to query the pagetriage_page
table and the ptrp_reviewed
Follow the directions in #Status codes to interpret the values of this field.
/* By page_id */
SELECT ptrp_reviewed
FROM pagetriage_page
WHERE ptrp_page_id = 71318376
/* By page_title and page_namespace */
SELECT ptrp_reviewed
FROM pagetriage_page
JOIN page ON page_id = ptrp_page_id
WHERE page_title = 'Živko_Kostadinović' -- underscores, not spaces
AND page_namespace = 0
SQL tables
Name | Prefix | Description | Old entry deletion strategy | Service classes (when refactoring, SQL queries should be moved to here) | Data classes |
pagetriage_page | ptrp_ | The main table. Log of all pages created after PageTriage was installed. One entry per page. Stores the "mark as reviewed" statuses mentioned above. Also stores the last time a tag was placed on the page by PageTriage. Query ptrp_reviewed > 0 in this table to figure out if a page is marked as reviewed. No entry also means the page is reviewed.
All articles deleted once ptrp_reviewed > 0 (marked as reviewed) and older than 30 days. All redirects deleted after 180 days regardless of patrol status.
QueueManager, QueueLookup | QueueRecord |
pagetriage_page_tags | ptrpt_ | Stores metadata about pages, to make the filters in the Page Curation toolbar work. For example, if you pick the filter "Were previously deleted", then PageTriage will query this table looking for the recreated tag ID. The tag ID is discovered by checking the pagetriage_tags table. See #pagetriage_page_tags for list of tags.
All article metadata deleted once ptrp_reviewed > 0 (marked as reviewed) and older than 30 days. All redirect metadata deleted after 180 days regardless of patrol status.
pagetriage_tags | ptrt_ | A dictionary of page_tags, and their corresponding ID number. See #pagetriage_page_tags for list of tags. |
data is updated by calling ArticleCompileProcessor::newFromPageId( [ $pageId ] )->compileMetadata()
. This is called in the following hooks:
- runs when moving a pageonLinksUpdateComplete()
- runs when saving an editonMarkPatrolledComplete()
- runs when clicking the "Mark this page as patrolled" link in bottom right corner of certain pages
It is called asynchronously. The user will see that their edit succeeded and can continue browsing the website, and the page tags update will occur in the background, invisibly to the user.
List of tags
The pagetriage_page_tags
are as follows:
- Author information
- user_id
- user_name - there's a filter where you can type in their username
- user_editcount
- user_creation_date
- user_autoconfirmed
- user_experience - Experience level: newcomer (non-autoconfirmed), learner (newly autoconfirmed), experienced, or anonymous. These experience levels are baked into core and can be accessed with
MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserFactory()->newFromUserIdentity( $performer )->getExperienceLevel()
- user_bot
- user_block_status
- Deletion tags - will display a black trash can icon if marked for deletion
- afd_status
- blp_prod_status
- csd_status
- prod_status
- Special:NewPagesFeed red warning text
- category_count - No categories
- linkcount - Orphan
- reference - No citations
- recreated - Previously deleted
- user_block_status - Blocked
- Page information
- page_len - size of article, in bytes
- rev_count - number of edits to the article
- snippet - text from beginning of article, used in Special:NewPagesFeed to preview the article
- afc_state - 1 unsubmitted, 2 pending, 3 under review, 4 declined
- copyvio - latest revision ID that has been tagged as a likely copyright violation, if any
Extension configuration
The extension is based on the 'patrol' right. For more information about configuring patrolling, see Manual:Patrolling .
The following configuration variables can be set from your LocalSettings.php file:
Variable | Default | Description |
Set to false to disable the curation toolbar |
Whether or not to use infinite scrolling in the new pages feed |
90 | The age (in days) at which PageTriage allows unreviewed articles to become indexed by search engines (if $wgPageTriageNoIndexUnreviewedNewArticles is true). |
NS_MAIN | The namespaces that PageTriage is active in. |
Set this to true if new, unreviewed articles should be set to noindex. In other words, if they should not be indexed by search engines until they are reviewed. |
See extension.json for the full list of config variables.
PageTriage adds the following API endpoints which can be used:
API | Description | Type | Triggering action |
pagetriageaction | Mark a page as reviewed or unreviewed, and logs the action in Special:Log. | Write |
pagetriagelist | Retrieves the list of pages in the queue, and each page's metadata, including their reviewed status. To retrieve one page, you must provide the page_id . To provide multiple pages, you must select one of showreviewed /showunreviewed , and one of showredirs /showdeleted /showothers , or no pages will be returned.
Read |
pagetriagestats | Retrieves stats about the number of pages in the queue for use in the header of Special:NewPagesFeed. | Read |
pagetriagetagcopyvio | Mark an article as a potential copyright violation, and logs the action in Special:Log. | Write |
pagetriagetagging | Add clean-up tags or deletion templates to a page, and logs the action in Special:Log. | Write |
The following logs are created by the extension:
Special:Log | log_type
Description | Notes |
Page curation log | pagetriage-curation | delete, enqueue, reviewed, tag, unreviewed | Logs deletion tagging, maintenance tagging, marking page as reviewed, marking page as unreviewed | |
Potential copyright violation log | pagetriage-copyvio | insert | Allows a bot to log potential copyright violations | Doesn't display unless you set $wgPageTriageEnableCopyvio to true
Entry points
The extension's features can be triggered by various actions:
Entry point type | File location | Notes |
5 APIs | includes/Api/* | |
1 special page | includes/SpecialNewPagesFeed.php | |
20 hooks |
1 cron job | cron/updatePageTriageQueue.php | runs every 48 hours |
7 maintenance scripts | maintenance/* | need to be run manually |
Here is a list of some actions and the corresponding entry points they trigger:
Action | Entry points used |
View Main page |
Save an edit to the Main page |
Type in search box, triggering search suggestions |
View Special:NewPagesFeed |
View an unreviewed article while logged in
and having the |
File | Group | Hook | Actions it performs |
Hooks.php | Move page | onPageMoveComplete | Changes patrolled status, updates cache, updates metadata in pagetriage_page_tags table.
Edit page | onRevisionFromEditComplete | Handles marking redirects that flip to articles as unreviewed. DeferredUpdate. | |
onPageSaveComplete | Add new articles to the New Pages Feed and pagetriage_page table.
| ||
onLinksUpdateComplete | DeferredUpdate of metadata / pagetriage_page_tags table.
| ||
Every page load | onArticleViewFooter |
| |
Help:Patrolled edits | onMarkPatrolledComplete | Marking as patrolled (the patrol link shows up in template namespace, for example) will also mark as reviewed in PageTriage. | |
Blocking and unblocking | onBlockIpComplete | Update article metadata / pagetriage_page_tags when a user gets blocked or unblocked. This is so Special:NewPagesFeed can display "Blocked" by articles created by blocked users.
| |
onUnblockUserComplete | |||
onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars | Adjusts some config vars related to draft namespace ID. | ||
Extension:Echo | onBeforeCreateEchoEvent | Code that makes PageTriage Echo notifications work. For example, the notification to article creators that their article was marked as reviewed. | |
onEchoGetDefaultNotifiedUsers | |||
onLocalUserCreated | |||
Extension:ORES | onORESCheckModels | Code that makes PageTriage ORES filters in Special:NewPagesFeed work. For example, filtering by article size or by predicted vandalism/spam/copyvio. | |
Help:Tags | onListDefinedTags | Code that makes PageTriage tags work. Tags can be attached to individual revisions to show that a tool helped make the edit. For PageTriage, it tags edits "PageTriage". | |
onChangeTagsAllowedAdd | |||
onChangeTagsListActive | |||
API | onApiMain__moduleManager | Disables the pagetriagetagging API, if that feature is turned off in PageTriage's settings. | |
Delete or undelete page | onPageDeleteComplete | If a page is deleted, also delete its data from the PageTriage queue, and remove it from the cache. | |
UndeleteHookHandler.php |
onArticleUndelete | If a page is undeleted, add it back to the PageTriage queue, regardless of autopatrol status. Fixes a bug where undeleted pages were automatically marked as reviewed. | |
HookHandlers/ Schema.php | SQL | onLoadExtensionSchemaUpdates |
Cron jobs and maintenance scripts
File | What it does | Why run it? When is it useful? | Safe to delete maintenance script? |
cron/updatePageTriageQueue.php | Every 48 hours, remove some items from the new pages feed after certain time limits. Removed items can be re-added by clicking "Add to the New Pages Feed". | Keeps the SQL tables from getting too big. | |
maintenance/cleanupPageTriage.php | Remove page with namespace other than NS_MAIN/NS_USER from pagetriage queue. | Fix a bug? T321982 | |
maintenance/cleanupPageTriageLog.php | Maintenance script that updates parameter name from '4::tags' to 'tags' in pagetriage-curation log and (now defunct) pagetriage-deletion log | One time conversion of old log entries to modern format? Logs are now always written in the new format. [1]. | Probably |
maintenance/cleanupPageTriagePageTags.php | Remove page from pagetriage_page_tags if they are not in pagetriage_page
Fix a bug that made it into production. All solved now. [2]. | Probably |
maintenance/DeleteAfcStates.php | Delete the afc_state tag value for every page in the queue (drafts and non-drafts). Normally all pages have this tag even if they're not drafts. | Fix a bug that made it into production. All solved now. [3]. T203184#4592953. | Probably |
maintenance/FixNominatedForDeletion.php | Set pagetriage_page.ptrp_deleted if the page is has any pagetriage_page_tags related to deletion (e.g. prod_status, blp_prod_status, etc.)
Fix a bug that made it into production. All solved now. [4]. T202582. | Probably |
maintenance/populateDraftQueue.php | Add missing Draft namespace pages to the AfC triage queue. | Related to deploying PageTriage's draftspace feature into an environment that already has a draftspace. [5]. | |
maintenance/updateUserMetadata.php | Former cron job. Update expired user metadata in the pagetriage_page_tags table
[6]. T341432. |
NOINDEX refers to the HTML code <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
, which can be inserted into a page to stop the page from appearing in search engine results. In default installations of MediaWiki, all pages are indexed unless they contain the wikicode __NOINDEX__
. When $wgPageTriageNoIndexUnreviewedNewArticles
is set to true, PageTriage will take over deciding what pages are indexed. The logic that determines this is located in includes/Hooks.php
, in the onArticleViewFooter()
First check
- First check: Noindex the page if ALL of the following are true:
is turned on- Page age is less than
(set to 90 days on enwiki) - Page is in
table[1] - Page is marked as unpatrolled (ptrp_status = 0)
Second check
- Second check: If the wikitext has the
magic word, noindex the page if ALL of the following are true:- Page age is less than
(set to 90 days on enwiki) - If
is not null, page is inpagetriage_page
- Page age is less than
The main use case for the __NOINDEX__ magic word is in deletion templates and maintenance tag templates that are transcluded into mainspace or draftspace. See this search.
Is the page in the pagetriage_page
In regards to the requirement "Page is in pagetriage_page
table", there are several ways a for a page to get into this table:
- Not been deleted by a PageTriage cron job
- One cron job deletes redirects older than
days old (default 180 days as of Sep 2022), regardless of patrol status. In other words, this cron job autopatrols them. - Another cron job deletes reviewed pages after 30 days of being reviewed
- One cron job deletes redirects older than
- In a namespace that PageTriage is configured to patrol
- Isn't an article that is so old it predates the installation of PageTriage
Directory structure
- /modules/
- ext.pageTriage.article - related to marking an article as reviewed
- ext.pageTriage.defaultTagsOptions - lists of deletion tags and maintenance tags used by the Page Curation toolbar
- ext.pageTriage.init - creates a mw.pageTriage object
- ext.pageTriage.newPagesFeed - Special:NewPagesFeed
- ext.pageTriage.sidebarLink - related to the "Add to the New Pages feed" link that shows up in the left menu toolbox, and the ooui alert box it generates
- ext.pageTriage.toolbar - Page Curation toolbar
- ext.pageTriage.toolbarStartup - ActionQueue and toolbar startup code
- ext.pageTriage.util - Backbone.js models (article, revision, stats)
- external - contains external libraries including backbone, jquery.tipoff, jquery.badge, jquery.waypoint, and underscore
The toolbar has three states: maximized
, minimized
, and hidden
. The maximized toolbar is the full-size toolbar with all buttons. The minimized toolbar still displays and floats, but simply says "Curation" and has an X you can click to close it. The hidden toolbar doesn't display at all, and can be re-opened by clicking the "Open Page Curation" link in the left menu.
External libraries
- front end
- old (moving away from)
- Backbone.js
- jQuery
- jQuery Badge
- jQuery Waypoints
- jQuery UI
- Mustache (template system)
- OOUI - used in modules/ext.PageTriage.enqueue (codesearch)
- Underscore.js
- new (moving towards)
- Codex
- Moment.js
- Vue
- old (moving away from)
Backbone and Underscore are unusual libraries to use in MediaWiki extensions, and jQuery UI is deprecated. Long term, we are interested in replacing these front end libraries, to make the extension easier to maintain.
Client-side hooks
PageTriage provides a specialised action queue system to allow other scripts and gadgets to integrate with it.
This is similar to mw.hook
except that it uses promises.
This is done using the mw.pageTriage.actionQueue
See the comments in the source code for documentation on how the system works.
It is not currently used by any scripts or gadgets on enwiki, but it is used internally by PageTriage.
The actionQueue module is available after the mw.hook ext.pageTriage.toolbar.ready
PageTriage will give the action queue handler an Object with the following data, in addition to other data as noted below:
— ID of the page being reviewed.title
— Title of the page, including namespace.reviewer
— Username of who is using PageTriage.creator
— Username of the creator of the page.reviewed
— Whether or not the page is currently or will be marked as reviewed.
Available actions
— Fired when the reviewer tags a page for deletion. The data given to the handler also includes:tags
— An object of all the templates added to the page. The keys are the template title, and the values are an object of metadata, including things like the speedy deletion code.
— Fired when the review status of a page is changed. Also includes:note
— The personal message the reviewer added for the creator of the page. This may be blank.
— Fired when maintenance tags are added to the page. Also includes:tags
— An array of the titles of all templates that were added to the page.note
— The personal message the reviewer added for the creator of the page. This may be blank.
To use the action queue, register a function to be ran when an aforementioned action is fired. PageTriage will wait for any asynchronous code to complete before doing anything else, such as refreshing the page. For example, to edit Sandbox after a page has been marked as reviewed, you could use:
$( function () {
// You must first listen for the ext.pageTriage.toolbar.ready event using mw.hook, to ensure your handler is registered at the right time.
mw.hook( 'ext.pageTriage.toolbar.ready' ).add( function ( queue ) {
// Listen for the 'mark' action.
queue.add( 'mark', function ( data ) {
return new mw.Api().edit( 'Sandbox', function ( revision ) {
// Replace 'foo' with the note the reviewer left.
return revision.content.replace( 'foo', data.note );
} );
} );
} );
} );
Where are preferences stored?
Preferences such as the user's Special:NewPagesFeed selected filters are stored as MediaWiki user preferences. The preference name is userjs-NewPagesFeedFilterOptions
. It is set using mw.Api().saveOption()
and read using mw.user.options.get()
. This data ends up in the SQL user_properties
table. Temporary accounts (IP masking) will not be able to store their preferences.
Installation on WMF wikis
This extension was designed for English Wikipedia. There is interest in changing its code and making it more useful to other wikis (phab:T50552), however this is challenging from a technical perspective and progress is slow. For now, the following are true:
- PageTriage is allowed to be installed on other wikis[3] (although as of 2024 this hasn't happened yet).
- The setting
can be set tofalse
to turn off English Wikipedia-specific features such as maintenance tags and deletion tags in the Page Curation toolbar. - There are concerns that the noindex features (controlled by
) create search engine optimization problems, and these noindex features should not be enabled on new wikis without first discussing it with product manager Samwalton9 (WMF). - Like most other WMF-deployed extensions, PageTriage supports internationalization, and has its interface translated into many other languages.
See also
- ↑ Checked by
- ↑ Checked by
, if it doesn't exit early due to$wgPageTriageMaxNoIndexAge
. - ↑ https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Limits_to_configuration_changes&diff=prev&oldid=26121135
![]() | This extension is being used on one or more Wikimedia projects. This probably means that the extension is stable and works well enough to be used by such high-traffic websites. Look for this extension's name in Wikimedia's CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php configuration files to see where it's installed. A full list of the extensions installed on a particular wiki can be seen on the wiki's Special:Version page. |
![]() | This extension is included in the following wiki farms/hosts and/or packages: This is not an authoritative list. Some wiki farms/hosts and/or packages may contain this extension even if they are not listed here. Always check with your wiki farms/hosts or bundle to confirm. |
- Stable extensions/ban
- Special page extensions/ban
- User interface extensions/ban
- MIT licensed extensions/ban
- Extensions in Wikimedia version control/ban
- ApiMain::moduleManager extensions/ban
- ArticleViewFooter extensions/ban
- BeforeCreateEchoEvent extensions/ban
- BlockIpComplete extensions/ban
- ChangeTagsAllowedAdd extensions/ban
- ChangeTagsListActive extensions/ban
- LinksUpdateComplete extensions/ban
- ListDefinedTags extensions/ban
- LoadExtensionSchemaUpdates extensions/ban
- LocalUserCreated extensions/ban
- MarkPatrolledComplete extensions/ban
- ORESCheckModels extensions/ban
- PageDeleteComplete extensions/ban
- PageMoveComplete extensions/ban
- PageSaveComplete extensions/ban
- PageUndeleteComplete extensions/ban
- ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars extensions/ban
- RevisionFromEditComplete extensions/ban
- UnblockUserComplete extensions/ban
- All extensions/ban
- Extensions used on Wikimedia/ban
- Extensions included in Miraheze/ban
- Extensions included in WikiForge/ban
- API extensions/ban