Core Platform Team/Initiative/Remove storage from RESTBase/Initiative Description
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. The Core Platform Team and its initiatives do not exist anymore. See MediaWiki Engineering Group instead since 2023. |
- Summary
RESTBase acts as the main entry point for our REST API hierarchy. In addition to acting as an API proxy, it also incorporates a storage engine (backed by Cassandra) that either caches or permanently stores responses generated by back-end services. Such a set-up makes it hard to reason about and creates a direct dependency on RESTBase for the back-end services providing the content.
- Significance and Motivation
The goal of the project is to reduce the complexity of the REST API sub-system and give control of operating the storage to individual services.
- Outcomes
Reduce the complexity of the platform
The primary measure of the success of this project is that API proxying and storage engine service are deployed separately in production.
- Baseline Metrics
- RESTBase code simplified and API proxying and storage engine separated
- Target Metrics
- Both services deployed to production (one on Cassandra nodes, the other in Kubernetes)
- Individual services use the storage engine service directly
- Stakeholders
- Core Platform
- Known Dependencies/Blockers
- SRE (for k8s deployment)