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VisualEditor/FeatureUse data dictionary

From mediawiki.org

A This page explains the meaning of the different values in the data stream. It was comprehensive as of May 2021, but will go out of date relatively quickly since so many different features are involved. Please help keep it up to date!

For definitions of terms like dialog, context item, annotation, and panel, see VisualEditor/Developer glossary.


feature name meaning
alien A node that VisualEditor can't edit directly, usually some rare HTML markup (e.g. ‎<ruby>; until recently, blockquotes[1])
alienExtension A node provided by a MediaWiki extension that doesn't have a custom editing tool inside VisualEditor (e.g. ‎<templatedata>).
allAnnotations The tool used to remove all text formatting (Style text → Remove). Only action is clear-all.
chemDialog The dialog used to edit chemical formulas.
chemInspector The inspector used to edit chemical formulas.
cite Adding or editing citations using citation templates.
cite-* Adding or editing citations using specific citation templates (e.g. cite-book, cite-Internetsäit, cite-libro, cite-web, cite-any[2]).
citoid Citoid. Once a Citoid-generated reference is inserted, it becomes a normal reference and editing it would fall under cite.
citoidEducationPopup "Doorhanger" notice encouraging the user to add citations. Only action is show.
clipboard Cutting, copying, and pasting.
commandHelp The dialog to display command keyboard shortcuts, desktop only (Help → Keyboard shortcuts)
comment HTML-style comments in page text (not shown to the reader).
cxLink Links in ContentTranslation
dtReply Discussion-tool related events
editCheckReferences Edit check iteration that invites users who add new content to an articles in the main namespace to include a reference if they have not yet done so themselves.
editCheckReliability Reference reliability check. Whenever anyone attempts to cite a source that a project has blocked, they will be made aware directly within Citoid and prompted to try another source.
editor-switch Switching between the different editing interfaces. The action gives the interface after the switch.
findAndReplace Finding and replacing text
flowMention "@" mentions in Flow.
format Text "types" (paragraph, headings, preformatted, blockquote)
gallery Image galleries
graph Rich graphs
helpPopup The help tool (on the right side of the toolbar, desktop only). Only action is show.
hiero Hieroglyphics
language Language annotations, which mark text as being in a specific language
link The inspector used to edit internal and external links. Also: context menu for external links only.
link/internal Context menu for internal links (this is the same feature as link)
link/mwMagic Context menu for magic links (this is the same feature as linkMagicNode)
link/mwNumberedExternal Context menu for links with no text (this is the same feature as linkNode)
linkEducationPopup "Doorhanger" notice encouraging the user to add links. Only action is show.
linkMagicNode The inspector used to edit magic links (like this: RFC 1234, ISBN 1234567890).
linkNode The inspector used to edit links with no text (like this: [1]).
math Context menu for mathematical notation items (this is the same feature as mathDialog/mathInspector).
mathDialog The dialog used to edit mathematical notation
mathInspector The inspector used to edit mathematical notation
mergeCells The context menu used to merge table cells. Only action is context-close.
meta Page settings
mobileVisualFallback Notice that provides an option for contributors to opt into the mobile wikitext editor if loading VisualEditor takes too long.
mwcite Adding or editing a specific citation template on wikis without Citoid.
mwLanguageVariant Inspectors used to edit language variant markup on several wikis (e.g. sr:, zh:)
mwMaps Interactive maps
mwMedia Images, videos, and sound
mwPre The dialog used to edit preformatted plain text (‎<pre> tags)
mwSave The dialog used to save and review changes
mwSignature Signature insertion (used on talk pages)
mwUsernameCompletion Tagging a user in a talk page comment - using @mention or clicking an icon
notices Edit notice shown to the user after initiating an editing session. This is available on both desktop and mobile.
noticesPopup The notices tool, which is only visible when a page has edit notices (on the right side of the toolbar, desktop only). Only action is show.
preview WikiEditor page previews, both live and non-live. phab:T290521.
reference Adding or editing citations using the basic, empty-box reference dialog (the only option when citation templates and Citoid are not set up on the wiki)
referencesList Citation lists (<references /> in wikitext)
score Adding or editing musical notation
specialCharacter Special character toolbar
table Tables
textStyle/big Big text (‎<big> in HTML)
textStyle/bold Bold text (‎<b> in HTML)
textStyle/code Monospaced text (‎<code> in HTML)
textStyle/italic Italic text (‎<i> in HTML)
textStyle/small Small text (‎<small> in HTML)
textStyle/strikethrough Struckthrough text (‎<s> in HTML)
textStyle/subscript Subscript text (‎<sub> in HTML)
textStyle/superscript Superscript text (‎<sup> in HTML)
textStyle/underline Underlined text (‎<u> in HTML)
transclusion Templates
undefined This is the result of some bug :) The only actions are context-close, context-delete, and context-show.
wikitextLink The inspector used to add wikitext links, in the new wikitext editor only.


action name feature specific? meaning
add-known-parameter transclusion A new parameter was added in the template dialog. This parameter was documented in TemplateData, so "known".
add-unknown-parameter transclusion A new parameter was added in the template dialog. This parameter was not documented in TemplateData, so "unknown".
automatic-generate citoid The "generate" button was clicked to generate a citation based on a URL (or DOI or ISBN)
automatic-generate-fail citoid Automatic citation generation failed and error message is displayed.
automatic-generate-fail-searchResults citoid Automatic citation generation failed because no search results were found for the provided input.
automatic-generate-fail-network citoid Automatic citation generation failed due to a network error while attempting to retrieve the necessary information.
automatic-insert citoid The "insert" button was clicked to insert a Citoid-generated citation into the page
advanced-show dtReply A contributor clicks "show" in the Comment Summary Field used to customize the edit summary that accompanies the comments people post with the Reply Tool.
advanced-hide dtReply A contributor clicks "hide" in the Comment Summary Field used to customize the edit summary that accompanies the comments people post with the Reply Tool.
cell-merge table
cell-split table
checkbox-wpWatchthis dtReply DiscussionTools related action for When a user opts to Watch Discussion or Watch this page
citation-blocked editCheckReliability A contributor is shown the reference reliability check after attempting to cite a source that a project has blocked.
clear-all allAnnotations
context-clear any feature which uses context items An annotation (e.g. a link) was cleared from its context item, mainly by using the trash or unlink button
context-delete A node (e.g. an image) was deleted from its context item
context-show Any context item was shown for any reason (several can be fired at once if multiple context items are shown because a range of text has multiple annotations)
copy clipboard
create table
cut clipboard
delete table An entire table was deleted
delete-col table Columns were deleted from a table
delete-row table Rows were deleted from a table
dialog-abort any feature which uses dialogs A dialog was closed, discarding any changes made. On desktop, this includes both explicit aborts through clicking the close button and implicit aborts through clicking outside the dialog. On mobile, aborts can only be done explicitly
dialog-done A dialog was closed through a path that applies changes (note that what was applied could be the same as what was there before)
dialog-insert Like dialog-done, used when inserting a new element rather than modifying an existing one
dialog-remove A dialog was closed through a path that removed the element being modified.
dialog-choose-[reason] editCheckReferences A contributor selects one of the provided reasons for declining to add a reference and presses "continue"
dialog-convert Several different dialogs
  • link: convert to linkMagicNode
  • linkNode: convert to link
  • linkMagicNode: convert to link
  • mwPre: convert to pre
dialog-manual-choose citoid Seemingly redundant to manual-choose
dialog-open-reuse reference A contributor opens the re-use dialog in Cite.
dialog-prevent-show editor-switch A contributor encounters a dialog indicating that they are prevented from switching to visual from source due to using a template, extension or table in source mode.
dialog-reject editCheckReferencesInspector A contributor confirms dismissal of Edit Check feedback by selecting "continue" in the edit check rejection reason window
dragstart clipboard
edit-check-confirm editCheckReferenceseditCheckReliability A contributor chooses "yes" in the initial edit check dialog or "try new source" in the reference reliability check dialog
edit-check-reject editCheckReferences A contributor chooses "no" in the initial edit check dialog
edit-parameter-value transclusion Event sent the first time a parameter's value is edited in the Template Dialog. At most one event is sent for each parameter edited. The state is reset when the dialog is closed.
external-link-input link
fallback-confirm mobileVisualFallback A contributor elects to use the wikitext editor when loading VisualEditor takes too long.
input reference Text was added to a form field
insert-col table
insert-row table
insert-[name of the character set] specialCharacter A contributor adds a character from the special characters toolbar. When a character is added, we log which set it came from (e.g. insert-latin, insert-greek, insert-symbols).
manual-choose citoid
manual-template-input cite
move-col table
move-row table
mwHeading-1/ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5/ 6 format An <h1> / <h2> / <h3>/ <h4>/ <h5> / <h6>annotation was opened or applied
mwPreformatted format
panel-switch citoid, link The user switched between tabs or panes within a dialog
panel-switch-[pane-name] citoid, link The user switched to a specific tab or pane within a dialog. Could be one of the following: auto, manual, reuse
paragraph format
paste clipboard
preview-live preview The main 'Preview' button was clicked to trigger a live preview.
preview-nonlive preview The main 'Preview' button was clicked to trigger a non-live preview (i.e. full-page reload).
preview-realtime-error-stopped preview Fired when realtime preview auto-load feature is stopped in WikiEditor.
preview-realtime-inuse preview Fired without user interaction when the WikiEditor preview feature is already on when the editing form is opened.
preview-realtime-loaded preview Fired when the realtime preview feature pane loads in WikiEditor.
preview-realtime-off preview The WikiEditor 'Preview' toolbar button was clicked to turn the preview panel off.
preview-realtime-on preview The WikiEditor 'Preview' toolbar button was clicked to turn the preview panel on.
preview-realtime-reload-error preview Fired when realtime preview pane in WikiEditor shows an error message and the 'Reload' button shown in this message is clicked.
preview-realtime-reload-hover preview Fired when the 'Reload' button that shows when hovering on the realtime preview pane in WikiEditor is clicked.
preview-realtime-reload-manual preview Fired when the 'Reload' button in the realtime preview pane manual bar in WikiEditor is clicked.
reuse-choose citoid The user selected an existing citation to insert again
reuse-dialog-use reference The user interacts with the re-use pane by using the search to filter or by scrolling through the list of suggestions. Tracks both in Cite and Citoid.
search-change-image Media Dialog The user returns to the search panel after previously having selected an image
search-choose-image Media Dialog The user selects an image from the search results in the media dialog
search-change-query Media Dialog The user changes the search query in the media dialog
search-clear-query Media Dialog The user clears the search query in the media dialog
search-confirm-image Media Dialog The user confirms their image selection in the media dialog
search-upload-image Media Dialog The user switches to the upload panel in the media dialog
search-pages-choose link, wikitextLink A result was chosen from the list of internal link search results
search-pages-input link Input text in the box used to search for an internal link target in the link dialog
show noticesPopup, linkEducationPopup, citoidEducationPopup, helpPopup,notices A help popup was shown to the user.
source-desktop editor-switch A desktop user switched to the 2010 wikitext editor.
source-has-js mwSave A user whose client has JS enabled has saved an edit using the wikitext editor.
source-mobile editor-switch A mobile user switched to the wikitext editor.
source-nwe-desktop editor-switch A desktop user switched to the 2017 wikitext editor.
style-data table
style-header table
template-doc-link-click transclusion A user clicked the template dialog help link, leading to the template page.
toggle-insertion textStyle/*
toggle-selection textStyle/*, cxLink
visual-desktop editor-switch A desktop user switched to the visual editor.
visual-mobile editor-switch A mobile user switched to the mobile visual editor.
window-open-from-check editCheckReferencesInspector, citoid The window was opened after a user chose "yes" or "no" in the initial edit check dialog.
window-open-from-command Any feature which uses windows (which include dialogs) A window was opened in case not covered by the other four window-open actions (e.g. the new citation dialog opening a template citation dialog)
window-open-from-context A window was opened by clicking the edit button in a context item
window-open-from-sequence A window was opened using a typed sequence (e.g. {{ to open the template editor)
window-open-from-tool A window was opened by clicking a button in the toolbar
window-open-from-trigger A window was opened using a keyboard shortcut

