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From mediawiki.org
Abuse filter parser.
Copyright (C) Victor Vasiliev, 2008. Based on ideas by Andrew Garrett Distributed under GNU GPL v2 terms.

Types of token:
* T_NONE - special-purpose token
* T_BRACE  - ( or )
* T_COMMA - ,
* T_OP - operator like + or ^
* T_NUMBER - number
* T_STRING - string, in "" or ''
* T_KEYWORD - keyword
* T_ID - identifier

Levels of parsing:
* Set (S) - ==, +=, etc.
* BoolOps (BO) - &, |, ^
* CompOps (CO) - ==, !=, ===, !==, >, <, >=, <=
* SumRel (SR) - +, -
* MulRel (MR) - *, /, %
* Pow (P) - **
* BoolNeg (BN) - ! operation
* SpecialOperators (SO) - in and like
* Unarys (U) - plus and minus in cases like -5 or -(2 * +2)
* Braces (B) - ( and )
* Functions (F)
* Atom (A) - return value

class AFPToken {
	//Types of tken
	const TNone = 'T_NONE';
	const TID = 'T_ID';
	const TKeyword = 'T_KEYWORD';
	const TString = 'T_STRING';
	const TNumber = 'T_NUMBER';
	const TOp = 'T_OP';
	const TBrace = 'T_BRACE';
	const TComma = 'T_COMMA';

	var $type;
	var $value;
	var $pos;
	public function __construct( $type = self::TNone, $value = null, $pos = 0 ) {
		$this->type = $type;
		$this->value = $value;
		$this->pos = $pos;

class AFPData {
	const DNumber = 'number';	//any integer or double
	const DString = 'string';
	const DNull   = 'null';
	const DBool   = 'bool';

	var $type;
	var $data;

	public function __construct( $type = self::DNull, $val = null ) {
		$this->type = $type;
		$this->data = $val;

	public static function newFromPHPVar( $var ) {
		if( is_string( $var ) )
			return new AFPData( self::DString, $var );
		elseif( is_int( $var ) || is_float( $var ) )
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $var );
		elseif( is_bool( $var ) )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $var );
		elseif( is_null( $var ) )
			return new AFPData();
			throw new AFPException( "Data type " . gettype( $var ) . " is not supported by AbuseFilter" );

	public function dup() {
		return new AFPData( $this->type, $this->data );

	public static function castTypes( $orig, $target ) {
		if( $orig->type == $target ) 
			return $orig->dup();
		if( $target == self::DNull ) {
			return new AFPData();
		if( $target == self::DBool ) {
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, (bool)$orig->data );
		if( $target == self::DNumber ) {
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, doubleval( $orig->data ) );
		if( $target == self::DString ) {
			return new AFPData( self::DString, strval( $orig->data ) );

	public static function boolInvert( $value ) {
		return new AFPData( self::DBool, !$value->toBool() );

	public static function pow( $base, $exponent ) {
		return new AFPData( self::DNumber, pow( $base->toNumber(), $exponent->toNumber() ) );

	public static function keywordIn( $a, $b ) {
		$a = $a->toString();
		$b = $b->toString();
		return new AFPData( self::DBool, in_string( $a, $b ) );

	public static function keywordLike( $str, $regex ) {
		$str = $str->toString();
		$regex = $regex->toString() . 'u';	//Append unicode modifier
		$result = preg_match( $regex, $str );
		return new AFPData( self::DBool, (bool)$result );

	public static function unaryMinus( $data ) {
		return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $data->toNumber() );
	public static function boolOp( $a, $b, $op ) {
		$a = $a->toBool();
		$b = $b->toBool();
		if( $op == '|' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a || $b );
		if( $op == '&' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a && $b );
		if( $op == '^' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a xor $b );
		throw new AFPException( "Invalid boolean operation: {$op}" );

	public static function compareOp( $a, $b, $op ) {
		if( $op == '==' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->toString() === $b->toString() );
		if( $op == '!=' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->toString() !== $b->toString() );
		if( $op == '===' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->data === $b->data && $a->type == $b->type );
		if( $op == '!==' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a->data !== $b->data || $a->type != $b->type );
		$a = $a->toString();
		$b = $b->toString();
		if( $op == '>' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a > $b );
		if( $op == '<' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a < $b );
		if( $op == '>=' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a >= $b );
		if( $op == '<=' )
			return new AFPData( self::DBool, $a <= $b );
		throw new AFPException( "Invalid comprasion operation: {$op}" );

	public static function mulRel( $a, $b, $op ) {
		$a = $a->toNumber();
		$b = $b->toNumber();
		if( $op == '*' ) 
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $a * $b );
		if( $op == '/' )
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $a / $b );
		if( $op == '%' )
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $a % $b );
		throw new AFPException( "Invalid multiplication-related operation: {$op}" );

	public static function sum( $a, $b ) {
		if( $a->type == self::DString || $b->type == self::DString ) 
			return new AFPData( self::DString, $a->toString() . $b->toString() );
			return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $a->toNumber() + $b->toNumber() );

	public static function sub( $a, $b ) {
		return new AFPData( self::DNumber, $a->toNumber() - $b->toNumber() );

	/** Convert shorteners */
	public function toBool() {
		return self::castTypes( $this, self::DBool )->data;

	public function toString() {
		return self::castTypes( $this, self::DString )->data;

	public function toNumber() {
		return self::castTypes( $this, self::DNumber )->data;

class AFPException extends MWException {}

class AbuseFilterParser {
	var $mParams, $mVars, $mCode, $mTokens, $mPos, $mCur;

	static $mFunctions = array(
		'lc' => 'funcLc',
		'len' => 'funcLen',
	static $mOps = array(
		'!', '*', '**', '/', '+', '-', '%', '&', '|', '^',
		'<', '>', '>=', '<=', '==', '!=', '=',  '===', '!==',
	static $mKeywords = array(
		'in', 'like', 'true', 'false', 'null',

	public function __construct() {

	public function resetState() {
		$this->mParams = array();
		$this->mCode = '';
		$this->mTokens = array();
		$this->mVars = array();
		$this->mPos = 0;

	public function setVar( $name, $var ) {
		$this->mVars[$name] = AFPData::newFromPHPVar( $var );

	public function setVars( $vars ) {
		foreach( $vars as $name => $var ) {
			$this->setVar( $name, $var );

	protected function move( $shift = +1 ) {
		$old = $this->mPos;
		$this->mPos += $shift;
		if( $this->mPos >= 0 && $this->mPos < count( $this->mTokens ) ) {
			$this->mCur = $this->mTokens[$this->mPos];
			return true;
		else {
			$this->mPos = $old;
			return false;

	public function parse( $code ) {
		$this->mCode = $code;
		$this->mTokens = self::parseTokens( $code );
		$this->mPos = 0;
		$this->mCur = $this->mTokens[0];
		$result = new AFPData();
		$this->doLevelEntry( $result );
		return $result->toBool();
	/* Levels */

	/** Handles unexpected characters after the expression */
	protected function doLevelEntry( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelSet( $result );
		if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TNone ) {
			throw new AFPException( "Unexpected {$this->mCur->type} at char {$this->mCur->pos}" );

	/** Handles "=" operator */
	protected function doLevelSet( &$result ) {
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TID ) {
			$varname = $this->mCur->value;
			if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '=' ) {
				$this->doLevelSet( $result );
				$this->mVars[$varname] = $result->dup();
			$this->move( -1 );
		$this->doLevelBoolOps( $result );

	protected function doLevelBoolOps( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelCompares( $result );
		$ops = array( '&', '|', '^' );
		while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) {
			$op = $this->mCur->value;
			$r2 = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelCompares( $r2 );
			$result = AFPData::boolOp( $result, $r2, $op );

	protected function doLevelCompares( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelMulRels( &$result );
		$ops = array( '==', '===', '!=', '!==', '<', '>', '<=', '>=' );
		while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) {
			$op = $this->mCur->value;
			$r2 = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelMulRels( $r2 );
			$result = AFPData::compareOp( $result, $r2, $op );

	protected function doLevelMulRels( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelSumRels( &$result );
		$ops = array( '*', '/', '%' );
		while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) {
			$op = $this->mCur->value;
			$r2 = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelSumRels( $r2 );
			$result = AFPData::mulRel( $result, $r2, $op );

	protected function doLevelSumRels( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelPow( &$result );
		$ops = array( '+', '-' );
		while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $ops ) ) {
			$op = $this->mCur->value;
			$r2 = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelPow( $r2 );
			if( $op == '+' )
				$result = AFPData::sum( $result, $r2 );
			if( $op == '-' )
				$result = AFPData::sub( $result, $r2 );

	protected function doLevelPow( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelBoolInvert( $result );
		while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '**' ) {
			$expanent = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelBoolInvert( $expanent );
			$result = AFPData::pow( $result, $expanent );

	protected function doLevelBoolInvert( &$result ) {
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && $this->mCur->value == '!' ) {
			$this->doLevelSpecialWords( $result );
			$result = AFPData::boolInvert( $result );
		} else {
			$this->doLevelSpecialWords( $result );

	protected function doLevelSpecialWords( &$result ) {
		$this->doLevelUnarys( $result );
		$specwords = array( 'in', 'like' );
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TKeyword && in_array( $this->mCur->value, $specwords ) ) {
			$func = 'keyword' . ucfirst( $this->mCur->value );
			$r2 = new AFPData();
			$this->doLevelUnarys( $r2 );
			$result = AFPData::$func( $result, $r2 );

	protected function doLevelUnarys( &$result ) {
		$op = $this->mCur->value;
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TOp && ( $op == "+" || $op == "-" ) ) {
			$this->doLevelBraces( $result );
			if( $op == '-' ) {
				$result = AFPData::unaryMinus( $result );
		} else {
			$this->doLevelBraces( $result );

	protected function doLevelBraces( &$result ) {
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TBrace && $this->mCur->value == '(' ) {
			$this->doLevelSet( $result );
			if( !($this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TBrace && $this->mCur->value == ')') ) 
				throw new AFPException( "Expected ) at char {$this->mCur->pos}" );
		} else {
			$this->doLevelFunction( $result );

	protected function doLevelFunction( &$result ) {
		if( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TID && isset( self::$mFunctions[$this->mCur->value] ) ) {
			$func = self::$mFunctions[$this->mCur->value];
			if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TBrace || $this->mCur->value != '(' ) 
				throw new AFPEexception( "Expected ( at char {$this->mCur->value}" );
			$args = array();
			if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TBrace || $this->mCur->value != ')' ) {
				do {
					$r = new AFPData();
					$this->doLevelSet( $r );
					$args[] = $r;
				} while( $this->mCur->type == AFPToken::TComma );
			if( $this->mCur->type != AFPToken::TBrace || $this->mCur->value != ')' ) {
				throw new AFPException( "Expected ) at char {$this->mCur->pos}" );
			$result = $this->$func( $args );
		} else {
			$this->doLevelAtom( $result );

	protected function doLevelAtom( &$result ) {
		$tok = $this->mCur->value;
		switch( $this->mCur->type ) {
			case AFPToken::TID:
				if( isset( $this->mVars[$tok] ) ) {
					$result = $this->mVars[$tok];
				} else {
					$result = new AFPData();
			case AFPToken::TString:
				$result = new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $tok );
			case AFPToken::TNumber:
				$result = new AFPData( AFPData::DNumber, $tok );
			case AFPToken::TKeyword:
				if( $tok == "true" )
					$result = new AFPData( AFPData::DBool, true );
				elseif( $tok == "false" )
					$result = new AFPData( AFPData::DBool, false );
				elseif( $tok == "null" )
					$result = new AFPData();
					throw new AFPException( "Unexpected {$this->mCur->type} at char {$this->mCur->pos}" );
			case AFPToken::TBrace:
				if( $this->mCur->value == ')' )
					return;	// Handled at the entry level
			case AFPToken::TComma:
				throw new AFPException( "Unexpected {$this->mCur->type} at char {$this->mCur->pos}" );

	/* End of levels */

	public static function parseTokens( $code ) {
		$r = array();
		$len = strlen( $code );
		while( $tok = self::nextToken( $code, $len ) ) {
			list( $val, $type, $code, $pos ) = $tok;
			$r[] = new AFPToken( $type, $val, $pos );
			if( $type == AFPToken::TNone )
		return $r;

	protected static function nextToken( $code, $len ) {
		$tok = '';
		if( strlen( $code ) == 0 ) return array( '', AFPToken::TNone, $code, $len );
		while( ctype_space( $code[0] ) )
			$code = substr( $code, 1 );
		$pos = $len - strlen( $code );
		if( strlen( $code ) == 0 ) return array( '', AFPToken::TNone, $code, $pos );
		if( $code[0] == ',' )
			return array( ',', AFPToken::TComma, substr( $code, 1 ), $pos );
		if( $code[0] == '(' or $code[0] == ')' )
			return array( $code[0], AFPToken::TBrace, substr( $code, 1 ), $pos );
		if( ctype_punct( $code[0] ) ) {
			$tok .= $code[0];
			$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			while( strlen( $code ) != 0 && ctype_punct( $code[0] ) ) {
				$tok .= $code[0];
				$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			if( !in_array( $tok, self::$mOps ) )
				throw new AFPException( "Invalid operator: {$tok} (at char $pos)" );
			return array( $tok, AFPToken::TOp, $code, $pos );
		if( ctype_digit( $code[0] ) ) {
			$tok .= $code[0];
			$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			while( strlen( $code ) != 0 && self::isDigitOrDot( $code[0] ) ) {
				$tok .= $code[0];
				$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			return array( in_string( '.', $tok ) ? doubleval( $tok ) : intval( $tok ), AFPToken::TNumber, $code, $pos );
		if( $code[0] == '"' || $code[0] == "'" ) {
			$type = $code[0];
			$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			while( strlen( $code ) != 0 ) {
				if( $code[0] == $type ) {
					return array( $tok, AFPToken::TString, substr( $code, 1 ), $pos );
				if( $code[0] == '\\' ) {
					if( $code[1] == '\\' )
						$tok .= '\\';
					elseif( $code[1] == $type )
						$tok .= $type;
					elseif( $code[1] == 'n' )
						$tok .= "\n";
					elseif( $code[1] == 'r' )
						$tok .= "\r";
					elseif( $code[1] == 't' )
						$tok .= "\t";
						$tok .= $code[1];
					$code = substr( $code, 2 );
				} else {
					$tok .= $code[0];
					$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			throw new AFPException( "Unclosed string begining at char $pos" );
		if( self::isValidIdSymbol( $code[0] ) ) {
			while( strlen( $code ) != 0 && self::isValidIdSymbol( $code[0] ) ) {
				$tok .= $code[0];
				$code = substr( $code, 1 );
			$type = in_array( $tok, self::$mKeywords ) ? AFPToken::TKeyword : AFPToken::TID;
				return array( $tok, $type, $code, $pos );
		throw new AFPException( "Unrecognized token \"{$code[0]}\" at char $pos" );

	protected static function isDigitOrDot( $chr ) {
		return ctype_digit( $chr ) || $chr == '.';
	protected static function isValidIdSymbol( $chr ) {
		return ctype_alnum( $chr ) || $chr == '_';
	//Built-in functions
	protected function funcLc( $args ) {
		global $wgContLang;
		if( count( $args ) < 1 )
			throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to lc()" );
		$s = $args[0]->toString();
		return new AFPData( AFPData::DString, $wgContLang->lc( $s ) );

	protected function funcLen( $args ) {
		if( count( $args ) < 1 )
			throw new AFPExpection( "No params passed to len()" );
		$s = $args[0]->toString();
		return new AFPData( AFPData::DNumber, mb_strlen( $s, 'utf-8' ) );