Developer Satisfaction Survey/2021/Categories/Accounts and onboarding


📖 Developer Satisfaction 2021

The developer satisfaction survey is an annual survey of the Wikimedia developer community.

Accounts and Onboarding[edit]


This section and the observability section have the fewest comments. This section got 15 comments, observability got 17.

💬 A single authentication portal for all web applications and ssh would be a blessing.


3 people expressed excitement for a single sign on portal

💬 There are a lot of background information during onboarding, but it was difficult to find the specific steps actually needed to request access.


There were 6 comments related to newcomer confusion

Raw Data[edit]

Question Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Responses
I know what a Wikimedia Developer Account is and for which systems it is required 30 36 9 3 0 78
I know how to request access to production systems or changes to my account 22 35 11 8 0 76
I have all the access rights that are necessary for me to be productive 36 27 11 3 0 77
Getting the access that I have now to production systems was quick and painless 14 22 21 11 2 70
Signing in to production systems is easy 16 33 15 2 2 68
I know how to contact about issues with my developer account 14 22 19 18 3 76