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From mediawiki.org

First Bi-Weekly Report


Week 1 :

  • Revisions to the Proposal to start early on the project.
  • Initial Development Environment Setup. Understanding the IIAB codebase and Design Decisions
  • Wrote SPARQL Queries to generate sample map features.
  • Decided to move with GeoJSON for offline map features.
  • Weekly meeting to discuss plan ahead.

Week 2 :

  • Problems in installation and bundling Openlayers offline components.
  • Finally decided on Webpack for development as well as production. Although a version of Parcel is still in the works.
  • Working on creating a Javascript functionality to render the GeoJSON on the maps.
  • Successful in replicating the Drag and Drop interaction. Working on loading with the vector tiled maps made available via tileserver.php
  • Meeting to discuss overall progress.