

This page is currently a collection of stuff, not even a draft. Do not use it![edit]

One time steps[edit]

Get access[edit]

Follow the instructions to create a developer account, and wait until you have you git-username and access privileges confirmed. Meanwhile:

Set up your local system[edit]

 export EDITOR=vim
 git config --global core.editor "vim"
  • next…

Install git following

and gerritgerrit?

Either of the following two commands will do, both are okay, too, depending on your needs:
 export EDITOR=vim
 git config --global core.editor "vim"
 git config --global 'your-git-username'
 git config --global 'an-e-mail-adress-of-yours-which-is-also-set-in-gerrit'
 git config --global gitreview.remote origin

Repeatable tasks[edit]

Check an extension out, amend it, upload your change for review[edit]

Find out the extensions name in git+gerrit, e.g. from

 git clone ssh://
 cd extension-name
 git review -s
 git checkout master
 git pull --rebase
 git checkout -b "purodha-`~/bin/ymds`"
 echo " Happy typing!" — cd "$1"
 git commit --all $*
 git show HEAD
 git fetch --all
 echo " >> now upload changes."
 git review

Create new branch from current branch[edit]

 git checkout -b newbranch

Delete branch[edit]

git branch -D oldbranch

Last changes of last commit after fresh pull[edit]

 git diff HEAD^ HEAD

Rebase (committed) patchset[edit]

If you do not have uncommitted changes and you are on branch yourbranch:

 git checkout master
 git pull
 git checkout yourbranch
 git rebase master

Restore file to last commit[edit]

 git checkout file

Restore all all files to last commit[edit]

 git reset --hard

Undo the last commit[edit]

 git reset --hard HEAD~1

Get the newest changes from gerrit in your current branch[edit]

 cd user-name
 git checkout target-branch
 git pull --rebase origin master

This may cause merge conflicts.


Since folks are tired of debugging python stacktraces and incorrect git-review configuration, some are recommending to use the underlying Gerrit workflow command:

git push origin HEAD:refs/publish/<BRANCH>[/<TOPIC>]

See also[edit]