
MediaWiki extensions manual
BiblioTex (provisional)
Release status: experimental
Implementation Tag, Parser
Description Merges the functionality of Biblio and Bibtex extensions, and adds a number of features on top.
Author(s) Miran Božičević (Miranchetalk)
Latest version 0.x
MediaWiki goal: 1.11+ all features, 1.5+ without Cite
PHP 5.2+
License GPL
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This page helps me document the work on a bibliography-oriented MediaWiki extension.


This extension is aimed at users who use MediaWiki as a productivity tool in research, and is focused on integrating bibliography information with wikitext. Currently, it can:

  • Import bibliography information from several sources, including server-based BibTex bibliography databases, online services, and other web pages.
  • Generate numbered references integrated with the <ref> and <references> tags of the Cite extension and used as a standard in Wikipedia.
  • Store bibliography information for single items in a separate MediaWiki namespace for easy import and annotation.
  • Display bibliography entries using a half dozen different citation styles.
  • Provide APIs for the user to define their own data sources and citation styles.

See below for a full description of features and the dirty details.

What's the Point?[edit]

There's no single one. This started as me playing with MediaWiki and the original two extensions to help me keep my notes on PhD readings. I went in to customize some details in the code, then one thing led to another. While there is as of yet no idea on, well, fitness for a particular purpose, I am developing with the following goals in mind:

  1. Configurability – Support many different styles of use.
  2. Extensibility – Design APIs for users to define their own citation display styles, bibliographic data sources, etc.
  3. Interoperability – Leverage off other bibliographic extensions the user may have installed.
  4. Integration – Make full use of MediaWiki's existing features, wherever I can recognize their existence.
  5. IncompletenessBe a fox, not a hedgehog. Build a set of tools potential users can turn to their own purposes, and do NOT attempt to provide a neat, gleaming, unified solution.

The last one is, needless to say, my favorite.


The working name of this extension, BiblioTeX, is a portmanteau of the names of two extensions, Biblio and BibTex, it is based on. I like the name[1], but there is a proprietary application that already uses it[2]. Also, since I'm building up from Biblio & am fully backward compatible with it, this work can be seen as leading to a potential new Biblio version.

Main Features[edit]

  • Extend Biblio parser to recognize plain BibTeX syntax, and to search for and source BibTeX files on the file system.
  • Use a common BibTeX-based back end for all citation data.
  • Build a flexible citation renderer that supports user-defined citation styles.
In Progress
  • Integrate Biblio citations with the Cite extension, when present.
  • Emulate citation display formats used in Wikipedia and in the current versions of Biblio and BibTeX.
  • Fully support existing Biblio and Bibtex features.
  • Add a MediaWiki namespace, BibTeX, which serves to store BibTeX code of individual sources locally.
  • Support several standard scholarly citation styles.
Next up
  • Support page numbers and parenthetical ("Harvard") citations.
  • Support customizable decoration of citations with external and internal links.
  • Test the extension on all major browsers.
  • Fully document existing and new features.
  • Provide core functionality in older releases of MediaWiki back to 1.5, and full functionality in versions back to 1.11.
  • Provide and document an extensible API letting users add their own bibliographic data sources.
  • Support interoperability with other bibliographic MediaWiki extensions wherever feasible.
  • Consider interoperability with Zotero.

Completed and In Progress headings are self-explanatory. Next up comprises features I intend to complete for the first beta release, while Planned are ideas for further down the road. Details follow.


Data Sources and Formats[edit]

  • Extend PubMed requests to handle DOIs
  • Get rid of dependence on SOAP in favor of CGI requests
    • use SimpleXML to process Web query results rather than purpose-written XML parsers
  • Standardize representation of data retrieved by PubMed & requests, using data structures modeled on BibTeX
    • Parse author names correctly depending on data source, breaking them into first, last, "von" and "jr" parts as described in BibTeX documentation (Tame the BeaST)
  • Extend <biblio> tag parser to accept BibTeX entries (already largely implemented in the NMR version) and to recognize and handle plain BibTeX syntax
  • Provide a way to look for and source BibTeX databases from the file system
In Progress
  • Google Scholar bibtex compatibility ("hack to remove extra braces?")
Next up
  • Look for & eliminate possible opportunities for malicious HTML insertion through sourcing files & urls
  • Standardize the handling of special characters
  • Standardize the way source file URLs are generated (see function makeUrl)
  • Consider whether to provide support for some of the less-than-standard BibTeX entry types
    JabRef has @electronic, @patent, @periodical and @standard, of which @periodical is likely the most important
  • Get citations from other repositories, see Extension:Bibwiki for possibilities (Amazon, Arxiv etc)
  • Standardize the API for getting citations from external sources and/or files, provide a way for users to program in their own source types.
  • Output COinS: see, Citation and Citation core templates in wp
  • If necessary, consider changing the underlying data structure from BibTeX-based to something more general.

Display of Citations[edit]

  • Write a general bibliography entry renderer expecting a BibTeX-like data structure
    • Unify rendering for BibTex, PubMed and ISBN <biblio> entries
  • Support different citation styles: Chicago author-date & humanities, APA, AMA, MLA
  • Create a citation style ("biblio-2006") that replicates the existing Biblio citation display
  • Create a citation style ("wikipedia") that renders citations using Cite templates. Need: ParserFunctions, templates listed on w:Template:Citation/core/doc
In Progress
  • Special characters seem to prevent BibTeX code popup
  • Complete the following standard citation types:
    • confirm the styles for Chicago, esp. for @techreport
    • MLA, APA & AMA don't have @inbook, @techreport, @manual
    • add Turabian
    • document limitations of the current way of defining citation styles
Next up
  • Generalize hypertext additions to textual citations into configurable "output decorator" classes
    • Handle bibtex attributes that can decorate the citation with links & popups, e.g.
      annot & abstract (link or popup), ps & pdf (link with icon), url (hyperlinked at the end of the citation)
  • Expand citation styles to meta-styles which include
    1. Citation style (how to generate text for a single citation)
    2. Footnote style (how to integrate citations into the Wiki page: numeric vs author-date labels, sort order)
    3. Decorators (which bells & whistles to add to citation text before, while & after it's created: links, headers & footers)
  • Create meta-styles that fully mimic existing <biblio> and <bibtex> output
  • Display page numbers in in-text links
  • Provide options to display in-text links in parenthetical format and to sort bibliography by author name
  • Check out Citation Style Language

MediaWiki Integration[edit]

  • If Cite/Cite.php is present, provide an option to make Biblio interoperable with it:
    • Handle <cite> tags as named <ref>s
    • Allow the <biblio> section to appear within <references>, or to double as <references>
    • Handle <nocite> tags correctly: extend Cite to not complain about bib entries with no references in the text
  • In absence of Cite, make output look & function like Cite, with anchors links between <biblio> citation list and text
  • Add BibTeX namespace, storing individual BibTeX citations
    • When starting a new page in the BibTeX namespace, preload it with the appropriate BibTeX code and a redirect/link to a putative annotation page
    • Create a citation style ("wikititle") that defines the default title style of the annotation page
    • Provide an option to display citation titles as links to pages in the BibTeX namespace. Similar to RefHelper but without automagically creating pages.
In Progress
  • Investigate whether & how to unify Cite and Biblio error display
  • Handle consecutive & ranged numbered citations (in Biblio for sure, in Cite, perhaps)
  • How does Cite in Wikipedia highlight the citation the person clicks on?
Next up
  • Extend Cite class to create author-date in-text links for <ref>s that use appropriate citation templates
    • Investigate the use of "Harvard" citations in Wikipedia
    • Investigate the use of the (deprecated) ref/note citation style.
  • Provide option to automagically generate BibTeX namespace pages
  • Implement transcluding the BibTeX namespace page. Display the citation or the BibTeX code dependent on context/setting.
  • Make Biblio & Bibtex CSS consistent with those used in MediaWiki, Extension:Cite and Template:Citation
  • Where appropriate, use DOM, SimpleXml and/or MediaWiki Xml functions to generate XML content
  • Provide option to integrate with the Cite namespace citations generated by RefHelper, where present
  • Possibly integrate with Zotero?
    • If yes, how would integration with Zotero coordinate with BibTeX and Cite?
  • Decide what to do with <bibtex> tags. Here's a strategy:
    • Treat them as BibTeX-specific ways to display a citation anywhere, similar to {{Cite}} templates
    • If full BibTeX syntax in it, the citation is displayed. If "automagical BibTeX namespace pages" is checked, the page is created.
    • If just a BibTeX ID is in it, the bib info is pulled from the given page
  • Provide templates that do the same things as the respective tags?


In Progress
  • Continually make sure original <bibtex> and <biblio> syntax work
    • <biblio>: sourcing URLs: wiki, interwiki & external
    • <bibtex>: in-text citation, help output, pasting bibtex templates into the edit window (probably broken in IE)
Next up
  • Test in key older MediaWiki versions, starting with 1.5 or with the oldest version used by existing Biblio users
    • Use parse() instead of recursiveTagParse() prior to 1.8
  • Test in other browsers, esp. IE7 and IE8
  • Install & test (Apache + PHP +) MediaWiki + this extension on Mac OS X and Windows


Authors and Users (test case on mac)
BibTeX entry types
Citation Style Guides


  1. ↑ BiblioTeX is pronounced as the French word for "library", suggesting the use for the extension and honoring the original French authors of Biblio and Bibtex.
  2. ↑ BiblioTex 1.0 Home Page. For a free/open source program with similar functionality, see JabRef.