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User:Diwanshipandey/OPW January Report

From mediawiki.org

Completing media wiki API development course on codecademy


January 2014



  • Completed:Parsing and Querying modules of mediawiki API.
  • In Progress:Modifying module
  • Blog

Week 1 ( DEC 31 - JAN 6 )



  • Divide the Query section into 3 different sections.(Total will be 5 sections).
  • Continue with action=query implement tutorials based on Query:Props and Query:Lists



Dec 31 : Divided the query section into 3 sections each for:

  1. Query:Lists
  2. Query:Props
  3. Query:Meta

Jan 1 : Sorted the Lists and Props tutorials into their respective sections

Jan 3 : Done with 3 tutorials on Query Props:

Jan 4 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Props:

Jan 5 : Done with 3 tutorials on Query Lists:

Jan 6 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Lists:

Total Slides Made


Total : 10
Query:Props : 5
Query:Lists : 5

Week 2 ( JAN 7 - JAN 13 )



  • Continue with Query List tutorials
  • Start Implementing Query:Meta tutorials



Jan 7 : Done with 3 tutorials on Query Lists:

Jan 8 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Lists:

Jan 9 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Lists:

Jan 10 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Lists:

Jan 11 : Gone through all the Query:Meta information from API documentation

Jan 13 : Done with 2 tutorials on Query Meta:

Total Slides Made


Total : 11
Query:Lists : 9
Query:Meta : 2

Week 3 ( JAN 14 - JAN 20 )



  • Complete Query:Meta tutorials and Query module
  • Start Modification module



Jan 14 : Done with last 2 tutorials on Query Meta:

Jan 15 : Started with Modification module. Gone through the Editing API documentation and getting tokens

Jan 16 : Made(Non working) 2 tutorials on editing wikipages:

Jan 17 : Stuck with the error in getting token.Error: *Unrecognized value for parameter intoken: "intoken":"edit"*
Jan 18 : Got the reason of the error i.e Callback parameter. But issue is not solved as edits can't be performed by anonymous user without permissions
Jan 20 : Filed a Bug for unclear warning while getting a token.

Total Slides Made


Query Meta : 2
Editing Wiki : 2( not working due to security reasons)

Week 4 ( JAN 21 - JAN 27 )



  • Ask of guidance for , api call to edit wiki pages from external site, on mediawiki api mailing list
  • Look for the ways and technologies through which editing problems can get solved.
  • Send e-mail to codecademy support team for this issue



Jan 21 : Explored about OAuth and its implementation in php and javascript, as suggested by mailing list
Jan 22 : Annoyed :@. Looking for solution into js and php but not working out
Jan 23 : Tried to api login through codecademy using many ways. Same result not working
Jan 24 : Got the reply from Chris Steipp saying "if we are using WMF wiki(which we are) like mediawiki.org then the cross-origin issues are going to make it very difficult in general, and the only way will likely be to have your javascript talk to codeacademy, and have codecademy use OAuth to access the wiki on behalf of the user. If it's the former, then you can setup CORS between the domains, and use the api to login, and all calls with be authenticated due to the user's session."
Had a talk with Yuri about this and he came to a conclusion about creating an instance of mediawiki and use it.
Jan 25 : Wrote a blog about previous 2 week's work
Sent an email to codecademy regarding the editing issue and if they support OAuth and other technology.
Jan 27 : Forgot about continuing query, so made it and also removed continue parameter from other tutorials as continuation is a major part of query and needed to be shown as a different tutorial.

Week 5 ( JAN 28 - JAN 31)



  • Install and configure mediawiki 1.22.1
  • Create mediawiki single instance for the editing tutorials



Jan 28 :Installed and configured mediawiki on my machine with xampp
Jan 29 :Explored mediawiki API codebase
Jan 30 :Wrote a blog about the security issues I am facing for editing wiki pages
Jan 31 :