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Translation UX/Design feedback 7

From mediawiki.org

The goal of this round was to test the translation editor and search in their current state of implementation, check the effect of the introduced changes in the ULS, and try the prototypes for the advanced editing features and the homepage.

Test with user #u18 on Feb 15


Translate workflow

  • 00:25: The user is surprised because the UI is in "Nepal Bhasa" instead of "Nepali" language.
  • 02:25: The user asks about the lack of localisation for some of the parts of the UI.
  • 02:40: The user is able to identify the current message group and use the project selector to change the message group. The user comments that it may be a bit difficult to discover. Once it is used, he considers it to be "quite usable".
  • 04:20: The user tries the ULS and considers that it has "improved a lot" since the last time he used it.
  • 05:10: The user asks to install the Nepali input method which is lacking in his machine.
  • 0523: When the user is asked to use the web-based input method, the user is able to select the input language, but the input method is not working as expected. The user is able to identify ans select the input methods offered for Nepali but the layout provided is not the usual one. He makes use of the layout from http://www.madanpuraskar.org/downloads.php
  • 10:43: The user is able to provide translations and save them.
  • 11:20: The user copies and pastes parameters such as "($2)" from the source message.
  • 13:00: The user considers the new UI to be "more easier".
  • 13: 25: The user is confused by the "secondary action menu" not showing options.
  • 13:59: The user wonders whether the vertical size of the editor may make the help area scroll to make some information harder to reach.
  • 18:43: The user is asked to disable the input method. He is able to disable it, and find the settings in the ULS to enable it again. However, the menu is not immediately enabled after applying the changes.
  • 20:00: "It's quite good. I like it".
  • 21:45: The user is not able to find a specific message group, search is not noticed and was not able to find it by using search.
  • 23:00: The user asks for a more direct way to close the project selector ("an X icon") but finds out that clicking anywhere can be used.
  • 24:41: The user tries to make use of the global search for filtering the list, noticing the filtering bar in the last moment.
  • 25:19: When filtering it is not clear when the filtering is in progress or it is completed since the progress bar is shown with no new results appearing.
  • 25:55: The user is able to filter using a word and provide a translation based on a suggestion.
  • 27:00: Filtering is not working for Nepali words.
  • 31:20: The user searches for a Nepali word and is able to filter by project.


  • 35:00: The user is able to identify the purpose of the different regions of the page.

Advanced editor

  • 39:20: The user is able to discover the way to get the glossary.
  • 41:30: The percentages are properly interpreted.
  • 42:29: "It's quite impressive. Most of the times my intuition works"

Test with user #32-2 on Feb 18


Translation workflow

  • 00:20: The user is able to identify the different elements in the UI.
  • 01:30: The user has problems locating the project selector. Once it is located, it is easy to use for navigation.
  • 03:23: Outdated warning is not shown in the editor when opening a message, so the user cannot access the diff.
  • 05:13: The user expected for a better integration of "similar to" link so that it is shown "right here" an not in a different window.
  • 08:30: User finds useless to get a suggestion in English which is the source language.
  • 09:50: The user finds great the change of color and labeling system.
  • 10:45: The user does not understand why there is sometimes suggestions but sometimes there are.
  • 11:53: The user comments he would be interested on hiding the "outdated" messages.
  • 14:18: the user finds useful the diff format.
  • 18:22: The user is not sure if the button "edit" is useful.
  • 19:15: The user misses the "skip to next" button.
  • 25:45: When clearing the message list filtering by clicking on "X" icon, the filter is not removed.
  • 27:35: The user is able to filter by group.
  • 28:32: The user needs to open each message to check if the translation he was searching is correct.

Advanced editor

  • 31:18: The user finds strange to require a "double" click to get warning related information from the translation text area.
  • 32:05: The use inserts words from the glossary panel.
  • 33:12: The glossary icon is not properly understood


  • 38:56: The message group transition is disturbing.

Test with user #30-2 on Feb 19


A Tetum speaking user.

Translation workflow

  • 00:27: The user identifies the different elements of the UI.
  • 01:50: The user opens a message from the middle of the list and suggestions take about 5 seconds to appear.
  • 04:05: The user asks about the way to insert a suggestion, but it is not available for the "in other languages" section he is exploring.
  • 06:20: The user suggests that the description could be provided below the original message, but he had no problem in identifying it.
  • 06:48: The user suggests to use a different font for special elements such as wikilinks and parameters.
  • 08:08: The user is able to use category filters and search filtering but the loading indicator appearing makes it look as if the search is still active.
  • 08:29: The user suggest to make the category filers look more clickable.
  • 09:08: The user make use of the global ULS to change (really quickly) to a different language.
  • 10:59: The user is able to select "Deutsch" as input language but when the settings are opened the selected input language is the UI language instead generating confusion.
  • 11:58: When the user tries to select French as input language from the settings, it is added as a new button but its not shown as selected.
  • 28:34: The user comments that it there is a need to better being able to compare original and translated messages.


  • 16:03: When searching for "file", many repeated messages appear for different languages without the user being able to distinguish them.
  • 17:29: When the list of languages grow, in addition to make the project filter hard to reach, looking for a specific language becomes also hard since you get a long list of languages ordered by number of results.

Advanced editing

  • 20:13: The user is able to discovers how to access information on words but is surprised that it is not available for all of them (view recording).
  • 24:00: The user identifies the symbol for percentage of matching but not the glossary icon (view recording).


  • 26:20: The user is able to identify all the elements of the homepage.

Test with user #3-2 on Feb 20


A Chinese speaking user.

Translate workflow

  • 00:43: The user identifies the project selector.
  • 00:39: The user discovers the project selector and operates it, but when trying to open the second breadcrumb, it apears empty.
  • 01:30: When opening an outdated message there is no reason given for it to be outdated.
  • 02:50: The user provides translations with no problems.
  • 08:26: The user tries to search and after getting no results, accesses "advanced" search.
  • 09:57: When changing the input language, the ULS panel is shown below the IME menu, making the selection harder.
  • 09:50: The user selects Chinese as input language, but the IME menu is providing options for English.
  • 14:00: The user comments that when comparing it is preferred to have original and translated one below the other, but when the side-by-side view is shown to him, he considers it "better for proofreading".

Advanced editor

  • 17:57: The user comments that he is not sure which words are clickable or not.
  • 18:00: The user comments that he is not sure which words are clickable or not, but he is able ot undrstand that there is a "dictionary assistence" on the right side.
  • 21:02: The user searches for a Chinese word and finds it "wonderful" to be able to access the in-place editor.

Test with user #29-2 on Feb 19


Finnish speaking user.

Translation workflow

  • 1:15: The user is able to walkthrough most of the UI elements and anticipate their functionality.
  • 3:47: The user has problem with outdated translations due to the lack of diff.
  • 09:19: The user is not able to filter the list using the text of a messages as an example.
  • 10:22: The user is not sure whether the filtering is still loading.

Advanced editor

  • 12:01: The user discovers the contextual help but considers the "invitation" color too light fo his monitor.
  • 17:22: The user wonders how to filter by the state of the message
  • 18:21: The user is confused by the indicator of the total search results after filtering.


  • 2:38: All elements seem to be clear except the project cards stats and actions.