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Topic on Extension talk:MobileFrontend

Excluding access to code on mobile devices

Virum Mundi (talkcontribs)

Hi all, I'm not sure this is the right place to ask it, but I'll go ahead anyway.

I'm trying to find a way to exclude a header (introduced between double curly brackets as a template) in the mobile version. This specific header creates an undesired design failure in the mobile version, but not on the desktop, so I wouldn't like to supress it altogether.

The span class="nomobile" doesn't help, since it first compiles the header, and afterwards it just doesn't parse it on mobiles (it's a css solution after all, so the error is still there, and it affects the data outside the span tags).

I need a way for the code to actually not access the header page at all in the mobile version (not to even reach the compilation phase).

I though about using an #if, but I can't find a magic word which informs of the used platform.

Is there such a magic word o something of the sort? Is there any way to exclude access to code on mobile devices (not only prevent it from showing)?


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