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Topic on Skin talk:Citizen

Text fragment on the sidebar after skin installation

Summary by Sergtsar

I downloaded the latest version of the skin and the problem is gone.

Sergtsar (talkcontribs)
A piece of text in the sidebar broke the layout

Attached screenshot. A piece of unknown text next to the search icon broke the sidebar layout after I installed the skin. If I remove the text via DevTools, everything gets better. How can I fix this problem?

Alistair3149 (talkcontribs)

What is the exact text?

Sergtsar (talkcontribs)

Here it is

on" Content-Type: application/octe

Alistair3149 (talkcontribs)

Do you have a live demo or the HTML of that part? The text provided is incomplete.

Sergtsar (talkcontribs)

Here's the part of HTML code, I hope I got it to paste correctly

<div class="citizen-search citizen-header__item citizen-menu-checkbox-container">
	<input type="checkbox" id="citizen-search__checkbox" class="citizen-menu-checkbox-checkbox" role="button" aria-labelledby="citizen-search__buttonCheckbox" aria-haspopup="true">
	Content-Type: application/octe
	<div class="citizen-search__button citizen-header__button">
		<div class="citizen-search__buttonIcon citizen-header__buttonIcon">

Here's a link to a site where you can see the problem:


UPD: Sorry, forgot to make Citizen a default skin

UPD 2: I figured out how to insert the code, now it looks good