Topic on Project:Support desk

'Background' code is not supported

Summary by Шариф Ахмет

Thanks. Problem solved.

Шариф Ахмет (talkcontribs)

After moving our site to another server, a problem occurred. If a page of the site has 'background' code, it is now not possible to edit that page. This error occurs:

'403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!'

But after deleting the "background" code on that page, everything is fine. How to solve this problem?

Jack Phoenix (talkcontribs)

Judging by some quick googling, it sounds like a problem with mod_security (no surprise there...). Try disabling it or if you don't have the access to do that, contact your hosting company to do so.

Шариф Ахмет (talkcontribs)

Thanks. Problem solved.