Topic on Project:Support desk

K8s deploying old image

Waterlooglass (talkcontribs)


I'm deploying the bitnami/mediawiki via Kubernetes. I am noticing issues in which I deploy an image that has an error, i fix the error and push a new image, my updated deployment will call that new image, but still reference the prior error.

For example, I misconfigured OIDC Connect Extension and so the depoyment failed. I created a new image and removed OIDC Extension in order to start fresh, and when I deploy the new image, it still references the previous OIDC Error even though this new image has no reference to that extension. Does mediawiki have a caching mechanism that would prevent K8s from deploying the new image?

TheDJ (talkcontribs)
  1. We are not familiar with the bitnami package, so it is hard to advise about it.
  2. MediaWiki does extensive caching. If your server does not expunge its in-memory caches, or if you use a CDN and you are not logged in, then it might be possible you see some sort of cached state.
  3. What is the error you are seeing ?
Waterlooglass (talkcontribs)

Here is the error, I am assuming you are correct in that it is a caching issue. Is it possible that the old images are stored in my PVC mount? somehow? the OIDCConnect Extension is not loaded on the new image I have deployed, nor am I calling it anywhere within that image.

Error: The OIDCConnect extension cannot be loaded. Check that all of its files are installed properly.

#0 /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(54): ExtensionRegistry->queue()
#1 /bitnami/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php(158): wfLoadExtension()
#2 /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/includes/Setup.php(212): require_once('...')
#3 /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php(83): require_once('...')
#4 /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/maintenance/update.php(298): require_once('...')
#5 {main}
[17-Apr-2024 19:35:01 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Error Loading extension. Unable to open file /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/extensions/OIDCConnect/extension.json: filemtime(): stat failed for /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/extensions/OIDCConnect/extension.json in /opt/bitnami/mediawiki/includes/registration/MissingExtensionException.php on line 100
TheDJ (talkcontribs)

This sounds like your LocalSettings.php is still attempting to load in the extension you removed.

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