Topic on User talk:SSethi (WMF)

ShiehJ (talkcontribs)

This is the first time that I came across a meeting about language. I am not sure if today's (2023/11/17) meeting will touch on the language and scripts issue for CJK? I am mostly interested in how languages/scripts in Wikidata provide ability properly represent them? Sharing here in the event, not relevant to your meeting discussion.

Two examples below:

1) Hoy Ping-Hoping-Kaiping, etc.

開平(Traditional scripts, zh-Hant)

开平 (Simplified scripts, zh-Hans)

As for the transliterations

Kaiping (Mandarin Pinyin, zh-Latn-pinyin)

Hoy Ping (Cantonese, Yale) (yue-Latn) **Cantonese is part of the Wu language system that deployed the Yale transliteration in the early 20th century, I think.**

Hoiping (Cantonese, a variant to Hoy Ping, Hoipen) (yue-Latn)

K’ai-p’ing (zh-Latn-wadegile)

Khai-pêng (nan-Latn)

2) Ouyang Xiu (歐陽修)

literalForm "歐陽脩, 1007-1072” @lzh

"欧陽, 修, 1007-1072” @ja-Jpan

"オウヨウ, シュウ, 1007-1072” @ja-Jpan

"Oyo, Shu, 1007-1072” @ja-Latn

"歐陽修, 1007-1072" @zh-Hant

"欧阳修, 1007-1072" @zh-Hans

"Ouyang, Xiu, 1007-1072” @zh-Latn-CN (or @zh-Latn-pinyin)

"Ou-yang, Hsiu, 1007-1072” @zh-Latn-TW (or @zh-Latn-wadegile? or @zh-Latn-tongyong)

Thank you. ~~~~

SSethi (WMF) (talkcontribs)
Reply to "language and script"